It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

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do you think the current implementation of mass PvP is working?

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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by sluggo0 »

You know Morgaine, you're right on the money about the situation just when I joined, except for one fact that you wouldn't have known if you weren't on the Karavan side, we honestly thought, and formed the KA because we thought and feared that Infinity's leadership of the kami side meant we were done for without an alliance.

Some of you think it's 'evil' or landgrubbing or whatnot, but that is as I saw it a baby homin first joining ATYS, Inifity was to be feared and respected, and still dominated us getting boss mats, and supreme ambers, etc.

I always respected the way Infinity played the game, you saw an opportunity to strive for somethign that ISNT on your 'A' screen, 250's are all well and good, but anyone with even half a brain burns out from the grind if they don't have a bigger goal.

I respect that sort of ingame 'enemy', and always will, I'm sorry that the state is such that some people can't see that whining about losing doesn't make you win, loudmouthing off at the other side who's beating you will not help either, learn from anyone who is better organized and a worthier opponent than you and you will prosper. Despite what some would say, the situation is far from one sided on Atys, if everyone that left due to lack of organization came back and put their minds to it, you would re-balance the game without developer intervention, quite easily, because you all have the skills and abilities, and from what I've seen, there are equally as many if not MORE kami PVPers that have the ability, as others have said, you all only lack the motivation to lose first until you learn to win.

Oh, but I do say I don't HATE almost anyone here, just because the mechanics of the game make you my enemy it is not personal for me, and I hope that it isn't for any of us, it is the way the game is meant to be played, you can opt out and be neutral, but that's not what a lot of the backstory is about, it's about the struggle of two factions, etc, it makes no sense whatsoever to take it personally, if I do take a game that personally, it's time for me to shelve it for a while, or re-evaluate what is making me lose perspective.

Please, we beg of some of you, come back, and revive yourselves, lack of money from teh devs won't kill the game as fast as lack of players, you can't market a game with large army vs. army pvp if no one can take it at face value, some good fun with friends (both the bad and the good guys).

I'm at least happy that some of the childishness has stopped in region in past months, I just fear for Atys if people think the only solution to getting bested is to leave the game... it's not, and Atys is totally what you make of it, not what you're spoon fed by the devs.... sigh maybe i'm not making as much sense as I did in my head. :/

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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by jamela »

To pick up on a couple of things already mentioned somewhere earlier in the thread, I'll just poke some more thoughts in here, excuse me ...

Suppose Launchers/Autolaunchers were changed so maximum range was something like 200m, minimum range 100m? A little mechanic to change so presumably fairly easy. Would introduce an artillery type role into mass pvp, and a need for forward spotters. Dreaming, I know, just thinking of ways to expand on tactical play.

And how about adding the area effect options, bomb, spray and ricochet (did I forget one), to the afflictions?
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by mithur »

I have a idea. Let's see...

To make better the faction numbers in long run, the best option is make the new players take the weaker side. How can you do this? It's no so hard, I think.

Make that the temples gives better rewards in the weaker side. Make the Temple give some missions (i.e. a hunting mission that you need fame 30 with the faction but not be factionated). The weak side will give more reward than the strong side (i.e. In the actual situation, with a fair side of the OP in kara hands, the kara temple will give 100 in reward, and the kami will give 500). Let that the reward could be cats (q100 at max). So the weaker side newbies will grow stronger fast, and the balance will be changing slowly.

As the oldies will not get advantage for this, they will try to maintain their OPs; but this will make that the newbies will align with the opposite faction because it give him more rewards.

Guilds like Nexus or evolution, that are Kara in Kami side can unbalance a little the system, but I think that this will be auto-regulated with time.

The idea is make the newbies make more missions for the weak side, taking more fame with the weak side, so they will align with guilds of the weak side.

BTW, whis will make cats avaiable to no PvP people, at least low level cats.

And, as long you'll not need to be factioned to get the missions, the neutrals will be able to take the missions as long they hold the neccesary faction fame to take it.

I think that is a good solution in the long run. When the Kami are strong enought, the rewards will be the same for both, so the balance will come.
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by mithur »

EDIT: It has posted two times. :(
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by ummax »

mithur wrote:I have a idea. Let's see...

To make better the faction numbers in long run, the best option is make the new players take the weaker side. How can you do this? It's no so hard, I think.

Hehe considering I am a having a hard time just getting into the faction that my race is supposedly aligned with I think its pretty hard. You automatically start off friendlier to one side then another. I'm having a hard time just not being neutral and taking the easier to get of the two factions so its pretty hard I think hehe
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by mithur »

ummax wrote:Hehe considering I am a having a hard time just getting into the faction that my race is supposedly aligned with I think its pretty hard. You automatically start off friendlier to one side then another. I'm having a hard time just not being neutral and taking the easier to get of the two factions so its pretty hard I think hehe
Ok; might be easier if they set the starting faction fame at the same level for both (15, or 20). It isn't much lore-friendly, but it's a good solution. Obviously, you'll lose the fame with the other faction as long you gain fame with you faction of choice...
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by vguerin »

Taking away the freedom for homins to choose will be bad for the game... Before I had ever played I had chose the faction I wanted to play based on lore. Originally I was to be a Zorai but Matis was closer to how I wanted to play.

If I had been told I could not join "faction A" because there were too many of them... I would have just left and chose a game that didn't pick for me.
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by iphdrunk »

vguerin wrote:If I had been told I could not join "faction A" because there were too many of them... I would have just left and chose a game that didn't pick for me.
+1. In my opinion, this does not seem a good solution for many reasons.
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by jamela »

Noone is actually saying that. Mithur only proposed an incentive to lead newcomers towards the faction with fewer outposts. I dislike the very idea of artificial balancing forces, but actually I'm having trouble finding fault with his suggestion. The minimum Fame limit of 30 you suggested, Mithur, is wrong, better that there simply wasn't any fame limitation. I'm assuming that the mission would affect your Fame as well as reward you with catalysts.
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Re: It's a PvP poll not a flame thread o_o

Post by varelse »

jamela wrote:Noone is actually saying that. Mithur only proposed an incentive to lead newcomers towards the faction with fewer outposts. I dislike the very idea of artificial balancing forces, but actually I'm having trouble finding fault with his suggestion. The minimum Fame limit of 30 you suggested, Mithur, is wrong, better that there simply wasn't any fame limitation. I'm assuming that the mission would affect your Fame as well as reward you with catalysts.

Since every player has 5 character slots, a large alliance could easily make 2 alts join the opposing faction and effectively "balance" the server from the point of view of pure numbers. And that's just the countermeasure that pops into my head in the first 30 seconds of reviewing Mithur's suggestion. Bottom line, it is not an unheard of idea (Ultima Online's faction system works along similar lines) but it's just too easy to step right around it.

And, just to get this post back on topic... I think the bigger problem isn't unbalanced numbers, it's the fact that numbers are perceived to mean more than skill and teamwork. I won't argue the validity of that perception in this post - but that is the argument that keeps coming up here. Limiting the numbers isn't a fix for the (perceived) limitations and shortcomings of the PvP system itself. When skill and teamwork make more of an impact than gear, levels, and numbers, a PvP system can be considered to be excellent. As long as gear, levels, and numbers matter more than strategy, teamwork, and skill in a PvP system, most PvP fans will find it to be lacking.
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