My question is this: will I be able to use my character from the old US server? Faall wasn't too high level in combat or magic, but was around 150 in harvesting and crafting. Is (was) there some character transfer tool, or were US chars automatically transfered to the UK server? I'm beginning to lose hope especially now with all this business about Nevrax. Don't know if I'll be coming back if I have to do all that scrounging for nuts and bark just to get back to where I was before

Offshoot question: I had to make a "free trial account" to post on the boards because apparently my real account is locked. If I do have to make a new char and if I decide to play on the starter account, I won't be able to turn this free account into a real account unless I buy the game again, right? (because my cd key is already tied to a different account). Or will I somehow be able to transfer my cd key?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: another question is there any compelling reason why I should download the client rather than install it from the (almost 2 yrs old) cd I have?