Most people aren't agains consequences. What they're against is being griefed by ***hats. Even with Ryzom's relative maturity and supposed-consensual PvP we do still get gloating and other poor behaviour going on. It'd be lovely to have one, just one, _good_ MMO where the leet kiddies and overcompensators didn't have the opportunity to cause issues.gendriks wrote:No ones going to allow looting. Too many people cry if actions have real consequences.
To all PvPers
Re: To all PvPers
High Officer in the Samsara
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High Officer in the Samsara
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We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.
Re: To all PvPers
tr808 wrote:look, im really new in this game and maybe i dont get the basics, but in a game where u have 2 sides fighting eachother im really suprised there is no open pvp.... this game would be great for something like that ... look at the landscape, the tactics that can come from it etc etc, .
We're not allowed to use the landscape for tactics

Anyway, I know that wasn't the point of the post, but I felt like chiming in.
As you were
3:1, 2:1, 1:1 ... probability factor of one to one; we have normality. I repeat: we have normality. Anything you still can't handle is therefore your own problem.
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Re: To all PvPers
Then it's an issue of degrees. Because pvp is by consent, it makes sense to allow some sort of gain/loss for winning/losing. Maybe something small like 10 dappers per skill level you have (2500 maximum) or something of that sort.grimjim wrote:Most people aren't agains consequences. What they're against is being griefed by ***hats. Even with Ryzom's relative maturity and supposed-consensual PvP we do still get gloating and other poor behaviour going on. It'd be lovely to have one, just one, _good_ MMO where the leet kiddies and overcompensators didn't have the opportunity to cause issues.
Re: To all PvPers
Here's how I envisioned things would go from beta and the original manual and the first few months of play.gendriks wrote:Then it's an issue of degrees. Because pvp is by consent, it makes sense to allow some sort of gain/loss for winning/losing. Maybe something small like 10 dappers per skill level you have (2500 maximum) or something of that sort.
* PvP would be by consent, it would have no special, particular role in day-to-day play.
* Outposts would be held by and competed for by _guilds_ via methods including but not limited to PvP.
* Every so often we would have big events, some of which would be PvP, the side that 'won' that particular event would alter the course of the server.
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold...
We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold...
We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.
Re: To all PvPers
The example given isnt particularly dangerous but... some of us dont consider all the PvP in game NOW particularly "consenting".gendriks wrote:Then it's an issue of degrees. Because pvp is by consent, it makes sense to allow some sort of gain/loss for winning/losing. Maybe something small like 10 dappers per skill level you have (2500 maximum) or something of that sort.
To illustrate: You consent to take part in PvP, or you can level at 1/2 the speed, lose access to certain areas that are otherwise good for digging, boss hunting and exploring, lose access to certain pieces of equipment, and finally lose access to participation in events that shape the progress of the game world.
So I would say that PvP as is already has far more consequences than I really like...
Suggested solution is a "Non PvP" tag (with a cooldown period of changing of maybe 2 weeks), this means you cannot take part in ANY PvP, but you are immune to PvP attacks in such areas.
To balance the loss of outpost products, you recieve a small quantity of crystals every day (suggested for balance purposes roughly 1/2 what an OP holding guildmember gets), and the odd OP mat maybe once a month (perhaps have a "wait time" depending on the mat, you chose it and the countdown starts, once the timer reaches 0 you get the mat, and can choose what to request next. More valuable OP mats = longer countdown timer). Flowers... bleh, heheh too many of them as it is!
This way, a PvPer takes the risks, double or nothing on the rewards. A non-pvper gets a smaller amount, but doesnt have the risk.
Omega V
Re: To all PvPers
When I bought Ryzom PvP was a side note. The religous war didn't exist. Ryzom was all about reclaiming our history and defeating the kitin. Honestly a faction war seems to make little sense for a society trying to just survive the loss of most of what they had accomplished. I have no problem if people enjoy PvP but I see no need to expand it's scope beyond it's present level-Kil
Re: To all PvPers
exactly..killgore wrote:When I bought Ryzom PvP was a side note. The religous war didn't exist. Ryzom was all about reclaiming our history and defeating the kitin. Honestly a faction war seems to make little sense for a society trying to just survive the loss of most of what they had accomplished. I have no problem if people enjoy PvP but I see no need to expand it's scope beyond it's present level-Kil
except the faction war over the ruins is a very human (stupid) thing to do

Re: To all PvPers
This is still kinda humorous. There really hasnt been any FLAMING posts in this thread, and people say it has 

Sun Ce, The Devil of Arispotle.
The Sexiest beast alive.
A living Legend.
Alpha and the Omega
King of the Universe
"So in a few moments Sun Ce had disposed of two enemies, one crushed to death and one frightened to death. Thereafter Sun Ce was called the Little Prince.!"
Re: To all PvPers
PvP as it is, IS consensual, however what do you gain from PvP? NOTHING.
Absolutely, nothing. Why is it so much to ask that SOMETHING be gained when you kill an apponent in pvp? You ladies that do not like PvP have nothing to worry about, and those that DO like pvp, but do not want to lose anything, can go fight in the arena....
Absolutely, nothing. Why is it so much to ask that SOMETHING be gained when you kill an apponent in pvp? You ladies that do not like PvP have nothing to worry about, and those that DO like pvp, but do not want to lose anything, can go fight in the arena....
Re: To all PvPers
Hahahahaha.darkcred wrote:PvP as it is, IS consensual, however what do you gain from PvP? NOTHING.
Absolutely, nothing. Why is it so much to ask that SOMETHING be gained when you kill an apponent in pvp? You ladies that do not like PvP have nothing to worry about, and those that DO like pvp, but do not want to lose anything, can go fight in the arena....
You do get stuff from PvP, why should you gain any other particular advantage on top of that?
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold...
We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold...
We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.