Let me again emphasise that on the starter Island you get a LOT of players that come for the free play and do not have any interest in going to the main land.31767 wrote: I am not 'sold' on Ryzom yet, at any rate. This event, combined with two instances of kill stealing and more than a few generally rude answers when questions for help were asked, have me at arms length so far. As for the latter, I personally don't get it. I have high level characters on other MMOs and like to help others when I can. 'Helpful" answers to questions followed by verbal slaps to the face are not helpful. The way one treats a newbie is how they usually learn to treat others. I make an effort to live by the old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
These people come to have "their fun" and that sadly seems to include griefing and gangking for some. Mind you, you are obvious prof that there are others out there and I want to ask you not to judge all of us by a few Troublemakers.
Most of these folks are refugees from other games where their kind of behaviour was the sad norm and they don´t seem to be inclined to change their outlook ot playstile for the benefit of the likes of you or me.
Just let me asure you that once you get the chance to go to the mainland purgatory will be over

No casual ganking as long as you are not PvP-Flagged or wander alone into one of the few dangerous (PvP) zones. And even then they´ve got to find you first. These Zones are huge

Welcome to Atys