OPs can only be taken by force.
In their inital state they are like Boss mobs, they are PvE content.
After the inital gold rush, they can only be take by force PvP or diplomacy.
We all know this and so far EoA have only played the PvE game.
With the ql100 OP in WoM we didn't want to 'gift' it. So Fasi offered it up for a 'fun' bidding war. An out of game PvP.
You state that there isn't any other guilds strong enough to take one by force, I hope your wrong, but if thats the case no matter what anyone does OPs will stay as they are and out of game PvP is our only option.
Its important not to look at just the list of OPs we own, with no understanding of our guild size and needs. We shouldn't have to close our doors to new players, in the interest of 'fairness'.
On the surface it would seem fair for guild A to have an ql250 OP, when guild B has two ql250 OP.
Now lets put some details into the above.
guild A has 10 members.
guild B has 100 members.
Is it still fair that a player belonging to the stronger guild B has 1/10 of the benefit?
No matter how strong guild A becomes, it won't beat guild B.
I understand where your comming from Zysha, but you can't change the rules of a game of 'Risk (tm)' just because the other person is winning. Everyone read the rules when they started.
(I objected to a lot of the changes to Ryzom before they were implemented, but now that they are in I have accepted them and I have no choice but to play by them)
reply to Zysha
Re: reply to Zysha
Thanks for taking this out of the other thread, now you just should have not post it in bazaar
altough, its a nice reply
altough, its a nice reply