I suppose part of it is that I'm being ***** and jaded. I'm used to getting **messed** around though, honestly, and perhaps my biggest pet peeve is watching other people get involved in something they truly believed in only to find out someone was secretly screwing them the whole time...rushin wrote:well gosh thank you for sparing your valuable time to explain things to us simple folk, of course you know best and must be right. after all you can use CAPITALS and have been around long enough to know all about the history of Nevrax and the people involved.
And honestly, to me? That's exactly what this seems like.
Like someone took a wander through the forums, guaged the intrest of people towards trying to keep Ryzom alive... Infringed directly on Nevrax's copywrite to create http://www.ryzom.org, mailed out unsolicited email to generate support for a fake donation spree, and is intending to screw people for the largest ammount of money they can in one shot by waiting until they have a sizable number of pledges.
That, is how it seems to me. And perhaps I'm just not trusting enough. But this place has a wonderful community that's dedicated to the game... Why show support to some outsider with unrealistic expectations of being able to purchase the game's rights when there are -real- companies that not only have the financial ability to -buy- those rights, but the capacity to put them to good use, to keep things running on a permanent basis.
But, to each their own. At least we share a love of the game, even if the way we express it is different, eh?
In any event, sorry for being so... angsty?
**edited by Soulsnatcher - no matter how emotional the content matter of these threads, we do not allow profanity, thanks**