Is Ryzom for me?

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Re: Is Ryzom for me?

Post by bazzamc »

i have been playing and soloing melee for one week without to many problems i just kill lower level mobs fast for the steady exp,sometimes you have to look around the large mainland maps for the perfect mob that gives good exp and hits weak,but i`m only 68 so i`m sure it will get hard to level alone
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Re: Is Ryzom for me?

Post by kalto1 »

your comments are very apreciated
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Re: Is Ryzom for me?

Post by mithur »

sofiaoak wrote:Soloing is possible, but Ryzom is not solo friendly game.
It's hard, but not impossible. I've been soloing a lot, and it's like a sinus curve. You have valleys in some levels (The mobs in the next level region are too hard, and the mobs in the actual region too easy), and crest in another levels (The mobs in your region are pretty easy, but still give you enough XP). If you can balance all the factors (Improving equipment, help yoursefl with other activities, etc...) you can do solo pretty well.

I recommend you that you learn to craft your own weapon of choice and armour; this will help you to maintain the best capacity for solo. If you have a fight lvl of 50, and a craft level of 50, you will be able to craft q60 weapons much better than the q70 weapons that you could buy (If you spend a lot of money buying choice/excellent materials, and you are chosy with the ingredients of the weapon/armour plan, the stats of a q60 armour could be much better thatn another not-so-care q70 armour, for example). If you don't have a guild or good friends who can craft you good stuff, you'll need to craft at the same level than you fight.

You probably will not be able to forage the materials you'll need for this, but foraging will give money enough to buy the better materials you'll need for weaponf/amps/armour.

I think this game is good for you, because for solo you'll need to maintain at least two skill branches (figth/magic and craft), and so, you'll have to change the task frecuently. And make a lot of player learning (Like the stealth matter, above comment, or the crafting recipes, and the scouting. For soloing you need to know very well the groups and zones, and what zones have aggro (To avoid an unexpected attack while you are hunting) and what zones have the better herds.

I think you'll enjoy it a lot.
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Re: Is Ryzom for me?

Post by mugendo »

kalto1 wrote:

But what I want to do now is explain what I like about games, and what I dislike. So maybe you, knowing more about the game, can tell me if you think i will like it.

First ..."Welcome to Ryzom" :D

next, I am not sure you will feel completely settled in Ryzom as your post gives the impression you want to be guided/directed by others.
The true beauty of Ryzom is the community, this is ingame and the forums..if you feel you can contribute to this community in RP/assisting new players/solo hunting & digging/guild hunting & digging/crafting/trekking/outposts........etc etc etc....
you get the idea.

All of the obove are examples of the freedom of the world, but only you can decide if participation is fun. Hope you stay to discover a world of opportunity, Like acquired taste ;)

edit - erm can i edit out "i get the impression you want to be guided/directed" I am out of work re-reading my post it can be taken as an insult.....if it is I apologise kalto1 :)
Last edited by mugendo on Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is Ryzom for me?

Post by slay13 »

I'm deffinetly givin it a try right now (whenever my paypal clears=P isnt approved account supposed to be faster? lol). You really dont got that much to lose givin it a month or so as a paying subscriber....your out $15? Almost all of the other large scale MMO's make you pay $50 up front for the game with 1 month included. Ryzom on the other had gives you the game for free, and then charges you monthly only. Then if you decide its not for you your out $50 bucks or more with other games as opposed to $15 for Ryzom.

Im not one o' them rocket scientists, but i gots enough lernins in my head to understands $15 < $50. I say what the heck else are ya waitin for chief!! hope to see ya soon!
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Re: Is Ryzom for me?

Post by kalto1 »

I finally upgraded my account yesterday. Thanks for your feedback :)
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Re: Is Ryzom for me?

Post by g00st »

meebies aye meebies naw ;)
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