nephy13 wrote:Sorry, by specialisation, I meant in current role, not in skills. If you are a specialist tank, you should excel at taking punishment. If you are a specialist damage-dealer, you should have a punishing damage output. I've just not seen many pepole who aren't just general "warriors" in a fight - able to dish out and absorb a fair bit of damage, but not pushing either to the extreme of specialisation. Conversely, on the magical side, there seems to be much more specialisation in temporary roles assigned (healer, blaster or afflictor) within a given party, though it is still possible to be a general mage and cast whatever is required at a given time.
There is, as you said, no reason why someone who can tank one day can't be a damage-dealing warrior another day or a healer another because of the ability to generalise skills.
I really dont get the point you are trying to make Nephy, you can choose as a mage to be an elementalist at a pretty early level and just do that until 250.
But the way the skills are structured, you will not have enough HP to effectively cast enough spells unless you have some melee under your belt, which gives you the constitution to add HP credits in your stanzas. But the spells deal out huge damage.
Warriors can tank, using Taunt, which holds the mobs aggro, but they can also dish out a whopping amount of damage. are you saying that you want them to just stand there and not do damage? I have a tank in Lineage 2 a Shillien Knight and he could deal a tremendous amount of damage, but conversely if you had 2 tank classes from Archlord, eg. a Berzerker and a Knight fight each other, it would go all day, becase you cant kill a knight, neither can you be killed by them, whats the point of a class like that in what is ostensibly a PvP game.
Healers in Ryzom are Pure Healers, they cannot solo, all their XP is from healing in a team.
I'm still not sure of the point you are making so sorry for the waffle