selling 150 suprem caprice seeds q250.
bid will finish sunday the 22th, 8 pm bst.
start at 500 mats ( q200+)
minimum step at 200 mats.
boss mats can be used for bid (kirokya shaft, madakoo pelvis, mekoo, madakoo or plodekya grip)
1 boss mats = 100 mats
happy biding
[auction] 150 Q250 Suprem Caprice Seeds
[auction] 150 Q250 Suprem Caprice Seeds
Re: [auction] 150 Q250 Suprem Caprice Seeds
this bid is for lewy il start with the starting bid may change by 2morrow cose he un-baaned 2nite or 2morrow and he will check his boss mats so for now 500 mats ty
Re: [auction] 150 Q250 Suprem Caprice Seeds
okies i check`d my boss mats and i have a few boss mats witch you need for instead of 500 grind mats il bid 5 madakoo counterweight
Re: [auction] 150 Q250 Suprem Caprice Seeds
11 madakoo counter weight
Re: [auction] 150 Q250 Suprem Caprice Seeds
14 madakoo counterweight
Re: [auction] 150 Q250 Suprem Caprice Seeds
end of auction the winner is lewy
i contact you ingame.
i contact you ingame.