Salutations, adventurer!
A new guild has been founded on Cho. The guild is primarily for new players that do not just want to be first with skill 250, by doing most "effective" playing. We want to explore whole Atys and experience our own organized events and ring scenarios.
More information can be found on the guild homepage:
Faction is Kami
If you are interested, just contact our Leader staff:
Leader: Marbod
High Officers: Buckwheat, Luarrel
Officers: Nomad, Ferox, Myo
At the moment we are focused in Fyros.
"Defenders of Kami" guild und Cho
"Defenders of Kami" guild und Cho
Last edited by cytis on Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: "Defenders of Kami" guild und Cho
Hello, i'm Myo, one of Defenders of Kami's officers, if any of you in newlands want a guild, then give me a tell, as i will stay there for some time to home my skills before going to zorai lands.
Q 120 2H sword crafter, and maker of a few other things, and a proud []omegaV member[/url]
Q 120 2H sword crafter, and maker of a few other things, and a proud []omegaV member[/url]
Re: "Defenders of Kami" guild und Cho
Ok people, change in guild now, we have a new forum at: enjoy! and also, Guild leader is now buckwheat, HO is Nomad and Marbod, Officers are Myo and Cyrofire
Q 120 2H sword crafter, and maker of a few other things, and a proud []omegaV member[/url]
Q 120 2H sword crafter, and maker of a few other things, and a proud []omegaV member[/url]