few things players would enjoy

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few things players would enjoy

Post by sicxsicx »

1st thing that would be nice is a "Looking For Team" window that players could check when they would like to form a party with others.Players could type /lft then there name would pop up on this window. The next thing is more gm events dealing with the ring.With all of the time and effort put into r2 players should have more of a reason to use it.I understand it is something new and you in no way want to take away from the rest of the ryzom game but if any of the dev's read this please really take the time to research how many of your hardcore players have no idea what the ring is about or have not even tried it.The ring came out at the perfect time i think and now is the time to show it to all of the players.Having gm events in it could be a good way.Also there has been some changes to it allready i have seen just a idea how about u let players reward other players with "REAL" dappers,what better way to reward someone who wins or completes your r2 zone then with some dappers that drop in a cest.Just a few ideas.
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Re: few things players would enjoy

Post by kayak »

there is a lft chanel

try /r
or /g

there are events run in the ring. check out the saga forum to keep up to date. here is a link to one of the recent ones.

nice idea about the dappers tho :)
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