I made a new thread here so the new peepz can also enjoy the latest gossip,pictures and hard facts of the latest real life meeting in London(Excuse me but the other thread was half an hour browsing for a nearly dead,halfdrunk hyperkinetic Tryker as myself that just came just home after a 5 hour trip with the train.(I kid u not but 2 hours of them were plainly waiting

So how was it?
Fabulous ,great,awesome and I can't describe with any superlative the feeling I got when meeting all of u.
It had it all :A party ,new meetings,great personal-, guild-,& Ryzom related talks ...A bit of romance ,drama and even some healthy competition ...Like I said ....Everything.
I especially wanna thank some guilds for the outstanding performance and acts they showed us :
1.Samsara:Especially Jyudas for the nice poking contest,Zahan for using me as a personal beercaddy and hanging around my neck like we are getting married (see cryths pics),The allmighty Kostika whe really tried not making fun of me when i locked myself out my room 2 seconds after i entered the hotel and the rest of them for being such a jolly bunch.
2.Nexus:Because finally I met my great IG daughters IRL and ofc Annakyn,and had an outstanding 'pré-soirée ,making it possible To meet up with the rest of the people when they arrived in two different stations.
3.Les amants de Fairhaven :As a sole representative ,Zespi dances as a real Samba-queen untill the 'garcon' asked us to go to the dancefloor !
4.Evolution:For the great viking with the rubber gloves I met,it doesn't need more words...U know what i mean

And the awesome Sxarlet who was one of the people I met in the early stage of the game,And a great person with a great sence of humor.
5. My own guild -cough-:For having such an outstanding HO,since u were there from the beginning,organizing,taking care of so much and be so special ...Thanks Kili
6.Reapers of the Dark:Ellex ,u are a great guy with patience I can only admire and with a golden heart, specially came from Autralia and it was really nice meeting u.
JAYCE!!!(U better hide mate) U're a frigging party-animal aren't u ??It seems u only need a sofa and some beer to make a real party start eh ...Well ,a few more RL-meetings and I am sure u are a Lvl 250 drinker!-cough-*Whispers to Dar:c'mon give him some crystal pints...
Finally the whole Nevrax and CSR staff who was there:RESPECT!!
Soulsnatcher:Thanks for the signature,I nearly lost my soul to those eyes of u(starts dreaming :Nooooo don't take me away!I have been a nice little Trykerette

Thanx all for the great evening and keep up the great work and community
For those I didn't mention don't take it personal ,but I could go on !!U were ALL GREAT
The pictures(bribe material!) will follow ...(Expects a mass emigration towards PR..there is still a place to hide !!!)
updated: http://illuminarcana.spaces.live.com/photos/ (for the pics)