Homins! I bring you tidings of the second Atysian Armor Conference! I bestow onto you the invitation to attend the Second Atys Idol Fashion Show competition! Please read the letter below.
From the AAC
The judges would like me to remind you that this is a male and female competition, and that everything visible *WILL* be judged as a whole look and style; armor, hairstyle, tattoos and weapons (if you do not wise to have your weapon included in the judging, please come unarmed). Keep in mind that the best quality or the rarest armor does not mean you will get high ratings. Scores are the result of how the homin carries the look overall.
Competitors, be on time, come prepared and ready. Once registration is closed, no more entrees will be allowed. Once again, show times are Saturday 16th, 2 AM BST / Friday 15th, 9 PM EST.
Atys Idol 2!
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
Re: Atys Idol 2!
yyyoouch that time is late for me. have fun americans.Tidings wrote:Homins! I bring you tidings of the second Atysian Armor Conference! I bestow onto you the invitation to attend the Second Atys Idol Fashion Show competition! Please read the letter below.
From the AAC
The judges would like me to remind you that this is a male and female competition, and that everything visible *WILL* be judged as a whole look and style; armor, hairstyle, tattoos and weapons (if you do not wise to have your weapon included in the judging, please come unarmed). Keep in mind that the best quality or the rarest armor does not mean you will get high ratings. Scores are the result of how the homin carries the look overall.
Competitors, be on time, come prepared and ready. Once registration is closed, no more entrees will be allowed. Once again, show times are Saturday 16th, 2 AM BST / Friday 15th, 9 PM EST.
Re: Atys Idol 2!
Some words from the A.A.C.:
Greetings, fair fine Homins! This is Judge Trina, today's speaker for the Atysian Armour Conference. My collegues Celon, Learoy, Nuni and along with myself would like to thank you for today's wondrous and lavish displays. We were overall, impressed, believe it or not. It seems that you Homins are finally learning how to look presentable -- however, there are always a few exceptions.
At this time, we would like to bestow Sashtan, as the second Atys Idol. Congratulations, homin. You did well. Bask in your newfound fame and glory. Here is our gift from us, the plaque. Mount it in pride for all to see.
Until next time, fair homins! Keep your needles sewing.
The Atysian Armour Conference
Greetings, fair fine Homins! This is Judge Trina, today's speaker for the Atysian Armour Conference. My collegues Celon, Learoy, Nuni and along with myself would like to thank you for today's wondrous and lavish displays. We were overall, impressed, believe it or not. It seems that you Homins are finally learning how to look presentable -- however, there are always a few exceptions.
At this time, we would like to bestow Sashtan, as the second Atys Idol. Congratulations, homin. You did well. Bask in your newfound fame and glory. Here is our gift from us, the plaque. Mount it in pride for all to see.
Until next time, fair homins! Keep your needles sewing.
The Atysian Armour Conference
Heed my words!
Re: Atys Idol 2!
was worth waiting up for this time 

[MPR] [MDF] [MLA] [AoD] [MK] [MT]
Atys idol 2006
Part of
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[MPR] [MDF] [MLA] [AoD] [MK] [MT]
Atys idol 2006
Part of
THE team(tm)
THE zone(tm)
A mission(tm)
Re: Atys Idol 2!
Well dont you look cute 

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