Player that missed the point

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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by sprite »

Slightly offtopic point, but unless I'm mistaken you seem like the kind of person who would like to be corrected when wrong..
necrosub wrote:If I'm reading the lore right, there is absolutely /no inorganic material/ on Atys.
Half right - there's none that 'originated' there; only what the Karavan have brought with them or the Kami have brought/made (just what are kami TPs made out of anyway?)
necrosub wrote:No stone, no minerals, no gems, no gold, etc.
Your point was a perfectly valid one (ie not much to build huge castles etc out of) but living things usually have minerals in, and while I can't remember seeing any, I don't see any reason why there couldn't be crystalline structures that would appear to us to be "gems" *shrug*

Of course even if something like that did sneak it's way into Atys without the devs realising what they had done, there's plenty of ways to rationalise it into its proper place... woodchip deserts for example ;)
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by toblakai »

kuson wrote:Maybe I should rephrase what I am trying to find out here in simpler terms :

"What keeps you playing ryzom e.g. when you last logged in what did you do for fun ?"
Well, for past two months one of the tings that ware driving me was the development of my character and they way it started to be useful to people around, I really felt like I could do what I wanted, and develop in any direction, the strange thing is I enjoy leveling my toon, though I don’t die nearly as often as you do ;P

For me the community can mare or brake the game and if you get to know people they are a just a great bunch, I keep laughing when I remind myself today’s conversation on the guild chat ;P Lately the ingame events really did help the game immersion, as a roleplayer it means a lot to me.

Last, but not least, Ryzom Ring is one thing that I’m looking forward too in the whole mmorpg industry. Considering the resourcefulness of the community, I just cant wait to see this one in action.

And by the way, some of you guys lowered yourself in this thread to the level of Word of Wtf forums, way to go :(
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by ashling »

necrosub wrote:If you're soloing then you should try to find mobs that give you decent XP and aren't too hard to kill. You can chain kill multiples of them and still be good for HPs/Sap/Stamina, compared to a harder mob that gives more XP but makes you sit and regen for 2 mins. It's a lot of guess and test here. One thing that's cool about Ryzom, IMO. It lets you experiment a little. Not like most other MMOs.
I'll second that. I tend to solo or small team hunt alot. When soloing it is much better to go for easier to kill creatures and let the number of them you kill add up the xp instead of killing one big creature and having to sit and rest for a minite after each one.

Also small teams can work really well, even one other person in the team healing or just damaging as well means you can go after much tougher creatures in the same manner as solo hunting.

For what gets me loging on, when I loged on today I did some harvesting, crafting and hunting. It all ties together for me really, I hunt for materials that I want to try experimenting with in crafting receipes, I harvest resources for the same reason (and I have to agree with others, harvesting was being really painfull until laround 45 in it and since has become much more enjoyible). I don't even sell any of the armor I make yet as I don't feel it is good enough yet but I still enjoy just playing with it. Yesterday I did the trek to Yrkanis for the first time, managed to get half the way with two friends before we died alot and they took a break and I managed to then sneak on through to make it there. I enjoyed all that and I tend to hate dieing in MMOs :)

I don't know if any of that helps you at all. Hopefully you'll find your swing in game and easily be able to ignore the parts you don't like.
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by mugendo »

kuson wrote:To give you some history, Ryzom is the 3rd MMO I have played. Previously I played SWG for 2 years and WoW for a week!

The first few weeks I was in Ryzom were an absolute blast. Things that I immediately liked about the game (pls note Silan did not exist when I joined) :
  • Lack of 'paths' on the mainland.
  • Awesome mature community.
  • Great graphics.
  • Stanza system seems like a genius concept.
  • Friendly GM's.
  • Treks are great fun.
  • World is huge.
  • The expansion sounds like a great idea.
My 'progress' so far :
  • I have been to the Tryker, Matis and some of the Fyros mainland.
  • I have levelled my digging to 11, melee to 55, magic to 75, crafting to 1.
  • Died approximately 2938129371 times ! ;)
  • Been to an Outpost battle.
  • Joined a Guild - the lovely people at Pegasus Foundation :)
However a few months in and I have lost motivation to play Ryzom at all! I got bored with levelling at around 75 and there seems to be very little to do. My average play session now involves logging in, admiring the weather effects, dieing a couple of times, chatting to a few people and logging out !

Things that are making me not want to login to Ryzom :
  • Death penalty. This both puts a dampner on exploration and also makes switching from dieing in combat to digging a problem because of the level difference.
  • Levelling just feels like a chore and requires (imho) a group to make any significant progress. Don't get me wrong I like grouping, but there are times when I log in for a short time that I do not want to trouble people to group up.
  • Self heal timer is too slow for solo play.
  • Although the worlds landscape is interesting, there is not many places of interest on them.
  • Complete lack of any 'dungeons' - ok caves would be more fitting here, but so far Prime Roots is the only one I have seen.
  • Digging and crafting do not really interest me but it seems to be what people do a large percentage of the time. Admittiedly I only got to lvl 11 or so dig but that was so boring I do not understand the appeal?
Other players that I recommended Ryzom to in my initial couple of weeks have both left the game already. These players were also mature SWG vets which had played for 1-2 years. So before you flame me keep in mind that whatever it is I am missing so are probably a lot of other players that don't bother posting here before their account expires.

None of us are called Johnny but I guess we are all players 'that missed the point'!

I still have a few weeks left before my account expires to get 'the point' so would be greatfull for any pointers as to what it is I am missing. Thanks for taking the time to read this long post :)

you sound like me when I arrived from SWG, I looked for.........
Player cities......not here.
Entertainers....not here. (apartments are storage instances)
Player run economy dependant on each other .....not here.
Factories...not here.

It is only when I stopped looking for the 'unique' aspects of another game that I started to appreciate what was here.
And The forums here are filled with information on 'what to do in Ryzom'.
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by kyesmith »

You talk about dungeons go to the prime roots, if you have ever seen a bigger dungeons/cave i will be impressed, ryzom is different i think it only apeals to a select few who see games like WoW as not for them, this game is a grind if you want to race to lvl 250 in everything, but if you log, make friends and work your skills as teaming allows this game is far more rewarding
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by cloudy97 »

Yeah, keep the forum nice. Don't be too elitist.

The gameplay of my dream game would be very different from Ryzom. Just 2-5 levels, permadeath, no teleports, no tells or guild chats, hunger and thirst added. Most likely it would be unplayable.

I really don't play Ryzom for the leveling. I play because the mobs of the game still feels alive and not just mindless targets. I like the storyline and still hope for Jena to land and for Karavan to take us to the next planet.

What I am saying is - just because you like the game doesn't mean you must like ALL parts of the game. But it's there and the gameplay will only be altered slightly, not completely overdone. (Well, except adding stuff like XP crystals and such revolutions.)

I felt I missed the point in the beginning too. Once you find yourself a realistic goal (not Avatar of Destruction, more like making a decent pair of amps.) logging in will feel more meaningful.

Btw, last night I died 4 times in a row and got frustrated and logged.
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by acridiel »

mugendo wrote:you sound like me when I arrived from SWG, I looked for.........
Player cities......not here.
Entertainers....not here. (apartments are storage instances)
Player run economy dependant on each other .....not here.
Factories...not here.

It is only when I stopped looking for the 'unique' aspects of another game that I started to appreciate what was here.
And The forums here are filled with information on 'what to do in Ryzom'.
Yeah, that´s just it. :)
Man, thank you. *hugs*
Again I apologize for not getting my point across the first time and sounding maybe a bit harsh. But this up there´s just what I meant.

And OK, sometimes I get frustated too. Who doesn´t. But I always tend to regard DP as: "Well Sh*t happens." Even if I get to my maximum DP of about 25million atm. (Joke :p )I just keep trying to reach that damn Dig-Spot in Nexus, or the Roots. Sometimes I yell for Help by friends if I simply can´t make it alone.
And then, well I dig out what I can get to lower my DP, so the time spent under DP is not "wasted". I may get no XP, but I get good materials that I can use in crafting, or sell if I need dappers.
If I logg out I usually buy a "devine kiss of jena" DP-Ticket, and by the next evening the DP are gone.
So what? :D

Just keep on going and look at a fresh Game in a fresh way. :)

Last edited by acridiel on Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by naratuul »

acridiel wrote: Even if I get to my maximum DP of about 25million atm.

4.6 million is max DP unless Acridel has unlocked the fabled level 300 toon.

460K (and some change) per death at level 250 X 10, Please don't Scare the bejesus out of the newbies Acridel, lol!

And like Acridel points out, clearing dp is pretty easy, I knock off over 150K per prospecting round when I dig it off in PR or GoC. If you are not a high level digger just find a mob that gives you 3k exp and dies easily, I spent many an evening in a team nuking najabs before logging off just for DP removal :)
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by acridiel »

naratuul wrote:4.6 million is max DP unless Acridel has unlocked the fabled level 300 toon.

460K (and some change) per death at level 250 X 10, Please don't Scare the bejesus out of the newbies Acridel, lol!

And like Acridel points out, clearing dp is pretty easy, I knock off over 150K per prospecting round when I dig it off in PR or GoC. If you are not a high level digger just find a mob that gives you 3k exp and dies easily, I spent many an evening in a team nuking najabs before logging off just for DP removal :)
Was just joking :D ;)
Couldn´t remember the actual number :p
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Re: Player that missed the point

Post by kayak »

naratuul wrote:4.6 million is max DP unless Acridel has unlocked the fabled level 300 toon...(snip)..Please don't Scare the bejesus out of the newbies Acridel, lol!
4.6 mill scares most of my guildies ;)

anyhoo i collect dp and see it as an excuse to get off my lazy butt and go do some serious digging. something that i find less and less time to do these days.

i hope you do find renewed interst in this game. it is a gorgeous game and it is made by the ppl here. the more the merrier :)
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