Blind and how it ruins the game.

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Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.

Post by zzeii »

There are only 2 things that I understand should be addressed...

1)The level of creature it affects...

Simple solution would be to make it work like taunt on whether it is successful or not. Taunt 1 works up to a certain level, and afterwards its effectiveness sharply drops off.

2)The creature doesn't attack back...

It should have a reduced chance of hitting, way too often I never get attacked from a blinded mob. If I'm next to it, it should swing.

Not moving makes sense, as does getting hit for full. Try running at a wall from a distance, then just close your eyes, personally, I'd stop in my tracks too. And if a bunch of people tried hittin me I wouldn't be able to dodge them that effectively. Nor would I be able to land a swing all that well, but you can be dang sure I'd try.
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Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.

Post by billg1 »

zzeii wrote:There are only 2 things that I understand should be addressed...

1)The level of creature it affects...

Simple solution would be to make it work like taunt on whether it is successful or not. Taunt 1 works up to a certain level, and afterwards its effectiveness sharply drops off.

2)The creature doesn't attack back...

It should have a reduced chance of hitting, way too often I never get attacked from a blinded mob. If I'm next to it, it should swing.

Not moving makes sense, as does getting hit for full. Try running at a wall from a distance, then just close your eyes, personally, I'd stop in my tracks too. And if a bunch of people tried hittin me I wouldn't be able to dodge them that effectively. Nor would I be able to land a swing all that well, but you can be dang sure I'd try.
LOL Finally someone gets it right. Make it work as taunt does. Taunt does work as intended. As of now with Taunt 4 I can almost never taunt Awsome Kipees or Huge Gingos and so on, its very rare, taunt 3 never works. But Blind 1 or stun 1 can lock them down permentaly.

As I siad earlier, these affliction spells do not take the skill level of the MOB into question. Taunt does take the level of the MOBs into consideration.
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Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.

Post by billg1 »

Starla wrote:Not True. Stun works just like blind even if the link is not established. Like blind, on a succesful cast even without a link there is a period of 2-5 seconds were the mob is stunned. You can chain cast stun just like blind, the only difference is Stun is actually level dependent were blind is not.
No Stun is not level dependent. I have had a 4 man group take out level 220 named kirostas with a level 1 stun several times in a row. Stun also is inferior to blind and should be superior. Max damage from blind every hit but still random damage from stun.

I have also put level 167 and 190 MOBS to sleep with sleep 1.

I also fear every single MOB with just fear 1 - Mages pull in my guild with this spell to get single pulls out of herds. Taunt is totally inferior because of the range and fear only pulls singles unless the mob is immune to fear.

These affliction spells do not take into account the level of the mob.

They all need to be reworked
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:31 am

Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.

Post by than21 »

Well i like blind myself and i can see how it can be unbalancing at time, well my idea for fixing blind would be to make it a little more riskly to use. Like keep the fact take you almost never miss and hit for max dmg, But let the mob attack back but miss more and maybe raise its attack speed by 20-30%. I don't know about you but if someone blinded me i would be swinging like crazy. I think this would work out well, people would be a little more careful when useing blind, you would have to think about it, do you risk blinding the mob to kill it faster but chance it could get lucky and hit you even faster? What does everyone else think?
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