zanthar wrote:QFE I think he might explode when he hits the mainland I too am a refugee from a galaxy far far away! It's good to see that I'm not the only D&D "geek" here lol!
Definitely not the only D&D geek
I think I might even have my gaming dice in my car right now... lol
I still play on occasion, used to be a 4 day gaming week with D&D, Starwars, Vampire etc...but I have managed to curb my adiction to the polyhedrons and now I only game on Suday.
I have found myself making excuses on WoW not to go to instances or raids. Turning down offers that I would have jumped at six months ago. The reason?...I am busy digging up poop, skinning bodocs and foraging for oil to make a set of q20 +hp medium armour. I think the point is that I am bored of the 'end game' its refreshing to go grubbing around in the mud for hours where the chance of an exploding node could actually fill me with dread, where I run screaming from weeny ragus because they are lvl2 *gasp* simply put: Its fun to be *BOOM* 5k shadowbolt crits, no unleashing the fury of an infernal on unsuspecting foes. Just me, in my pants...with a stick.
Last edited by adam79uk on Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.