It appears that the evil Wormbreath is up to his old tricks again.
At some stage during the preceding evening on the Ruins of Silan, Naffy Liffan, the daughter of the popular Fairhaven Barkeep vanished in highly suspicious circumstances and is believed to be being held by Wormbreath, one-time associate of Muang, for nefarious purposes as yet unknown. It is expected that there will be further developments in this case as today progresses.
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
Re: Kidnapped!
Alas poor Yorik...
Komizaur (Silan rep.)
"A fond memory" of the "Order of the Nameless"
Matisian Botanist: "Complete Atlas of Atysian Flora (work in progress)"
Devoted Scholar of the "Zorai pictograms" "Zorai pictographic Signatures on demand"
Author of "The Kitin Scriptures" "The Kitin Scriptures WEBCOMIC!!!"
"Яussians may die - but never give up!"
Komizaur (Silan rep.)
"A fond memory" of the "Order of the Nameless"
Matisian Botanist: "Complete Atlas of Atysian Flora (work in progress)"
Devoted Scholar of the "Zorai pictograms" "Zorai pictographic Signatures on demand"
Author of "The Kitin Scriptures" "The Kitin Scriptures WEBCOMIC!!!"
"Яussians may die - but never give up!"
Re: Kidnapped!
Thank goodness she was alright, even if she did smell like a Torbak when we got her back 

Na'Rael Hardwind, member of the Circle of Lumindra
Triva the wise, touched by Jena. Member of Aeden Artisans
Teora Gentaeas of Phaedrea's Tears
Triva the wise, touched by Jena. Member of Aeden Artisans
Teora Gentaeas of Phaedrea's Tears
Re: Kidnapped!
Rash of kidnappings lately, could the be connected?