katriell wrote:What wine version(s) are you using, Thgemini and Zyrom?
I am running Wine 0.9.17
BTW, I tried what Zyrom suggested about the Save folder that I deleted entirely, but I didn't have more success
. Well now to carry on my tests, I managed to play without any crash for 10 minutes in Windowed mode, 1024*768, with graphical details to low. At least I know I can play
EDIT : I just tried full screen, still with the low graphical details, and I could play normally as well, although it's a bit slow. It's amazing as with Windows I can play with all the graphics full and yet it's perfectly fluid. Yet I'm in progress as I can play full screen
PvP, FvF and GvG won't be for me though if I lag that much when there is no one
But I'm not satisfied yet with that and I'll carry on the investigations. Stay tuned !
And thanks to all you guys who did your best to help me out.
EDIT BIS : ooooooo no ! Although I applied the corrective, I still have the problem that if I press the ALT key for exemple, then I will say a lot of garbage in the chat window
Here is the shell script I use to start the game :
Code: Select all
# Se positionne dans le répertoire du jeu
cd /var/ftp/pub/jeux/Ryzom
# Contournement d'un bug : empêche les touches CTRL, ALT, SHIFT de générer de la pollution
# dans le fenêtre de chat lorsque celles-ci sont pressées
SETREPEAT="50 37 64 62 109 113"
for k in $SETREPEAT; do
xset r $k
echo "Réglage de la touche : $k"
# Lance l'exécutable de Ryzom
wine client_ryzom_rd.exe
Did I miss anything ?