rugster wrote:Sounds to me like theres something wrong with your setup.. no av... routers and firewalls wont stop you downloading the blaster worm.. a new installation thats not updated correctly can get this, no av very bad..
I have not had an access violation for ages.
Check sound drivers. Vid drivers probably ok. Check everything is seated ok, take boards/ram sticks out and replace. Directx?
Check for virus' One wrong worm could cause all kinds of instability, as for Doom3 installing and working, many games can work perfectly well on messed up systems, others like ryzoms can by finicky..
I'd Check drivers, Dx, Check for virus, reinstall ryzoms.. check hardware..
basically the stuff I haven't done yet is reinstall ryzom, run a virus check and reseat the memory. All the rest has been done.
Its possible I have a virus - the system is so new that the odds are against it but you're right and I will check.
Reseating the memory is an easy one and I'll try it tonight. Otherwise only gfx card is not built into m/b.
Reinstalling Ryzom - hmm takes ages so I'm reluctant to do it but I probably will at the weekend. This hasn't worked for a friend of mine who has similar crashes so I'm not holding my breath...
It would be really good tho to get some feedback from the developers on this access violation issue - I'm assuming the codes its returning mean something to them so it would be nice to hear from them.