I have been seeing the mainland increasingly busy as of late, I even went to Zora (quietest main city) last night at 4am UK time and saw no less than 7 players around the stable area. The population is increasing, and you should find no shortage of players on the mainland, especially if you join a main guild.necrosub wrote:I was trying to mention this to some people I teamed with today, as most of them had /no idea/ this was the case. They all seemed more like WoW/EQ style players, used to quests for XP/loot, and killing mobs for loot instead of crafting materials. Some of them seemed quite surprised at this, while others didn't seem phased at all.
I am enjoying the unlimited trial as well, and especially the friendly. mature community. Almost everyone is helpful and willing to give tips/advice.
But I am somewhat worried about heading to the mainland. I've read it's not nearly as populated/busy as the Newbie area, and my bizzare playtimes coupled with my usual tendency to solo might not really fit with SoR's intended style of play. I will have to see how I feel after I have finished all I can in the Ruins of Silan.
Perhaps I am just one of those people still "looking for my next MMO", and jumping from one to the next. Though if that's the case, I'm in trouble, as I've played/tried almost every MMO out there (minus most of the Asian ones).
Of course if you are matis there are always lots of people in Yrkanis
And on the origional subject, I love the RoS trial, I completed all the missions with Kibsy and love it, 5000 times better than the old starter lands, these are always full to bursting point
Go Nevrax *huggles*
Oh and welcome to Ryzom all you new homins *huggles*