Should Windermeer be revived?

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Should Windermeer be revived

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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by cloudy97 »

Nah, better to expand the planet as new players come. Shouldn't that be possible with the recent server merge and R2 setup?
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by forever »

I can see a day when the need for a new server(Windermeer) is needed, what I do not see is the Devs moving players or guilds. We all have the option to start a new toon on any server.
Would I start a new toon on this new server? Yes
Would I leave Arispotle? No
One of this games best features is it's community, if the server is spit then we lose half of what makes this game so great.
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by d29565 »

I wouldn't move to a new server. I have made friends with far to many of the Europeans. Hell, most of my guild consists of Europeans. I could live without a lot of the Karavan :P but most of them would end up on the North American server too. Well, with any luck, the certain people on my KoS would stay...meh, but I vote no.
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by vguerin »

grimjim wrote:Yankee go home ;)
We are home Jyudas...

I am not seeing this "influx" doing much but bring us closer to where we were when we merged numberswise. What cannot be changed is the community we have become, this is MY disfunctional family.

There would be so many vacuums in this idea, I cannot even start to mention them.

PLUS, I could never leave Zerlin !
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by akede »

I voted no. I prefer the class and style Europeans bring to the genre. Their gaming styles tend to smooth out some of the sharp edges characterizing the US player base. I think the consolidated English speaking server is an optimal gaming environment.

If given the option, I'd actually prefer to play on the Euro server although the hours would kill me.
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by iwojimmy »

phradok wrote:With the apparent influx of new players, there might possibly be a large enough population to support a rebirth of Windermeer (North American server).
Even with the "influx", the population still isnt as high as it used to be.
type /who anywhere away from an outpost battle or RoS, and you would be lucky to get 8 people in the region, even Void and GoC are pretty deserted these days.
My perspective on this is from an Australian timezone, so all the whinging about Euro/US time incompatibilities just makes me laugh.
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by jamela »

Absolutely not! Maybe when there are so many players that all of the outposts are changing hands every three or four days due to the weight of competition, then it might be worthwhile rezzing Windy.
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by diogynes »

Yeah, I mean the population is definitely healthier than it was say, a few months ago, but I don't think its time yet to start talk about splitting up the english server in two. Maybe after the game gets more subs so that the devs can consider opening up more than seven outposts per nation should we even consider a course of action (personally I don't think we ever should we do it unless it becomes an issue of server load)
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by norvic »

I voted yes, it would be a real pain in the proverbial, and would upset the community we have but looking at longterm I think it could be for the best.

NO more RP events a weird time to try and suit everyone, no more contentiously timed OP battles.

I am not saying it would be ideal to switch things back far from it but for Long term community without recurring arguments over event times etc it would seem the way to go.
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Re: Should Windermeer be revived?

Post by thlau »

I voted no, as I believe that we still could need more players in our community.
And player in other timezones help people who work shifts to find teams when they get online during 'odd' hours.
Trini - Darkmoor Rangers
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