Mass Murderer or RPK?
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Yeah Komi is not evil like Rundll 

Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
yep.. they're all evil!komissar wrote:Rundlls guild is OOTN - ask around and you get the picture.

OoTNs da devil! Karavans da devil! Foosballs da devil!
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"Stay smart. Stay cool. It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying. Sometimes that means killing a whole lot of people."
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
akede wrote: I'm beginning to understand now. So I don't expect Rundll to respond as it would be an admission of guilt. I guess it'll be fairly easy now to identify the non RPing RPKs from this thread.
lol...well I tried to ignore this thread...but meh.
I can assure you the reason I didnt repsond was not because I feared being seen as guilty.
I kill my ingame enemy, the kamis. I dont randomly kill anyone. I kill those that are kamis aligned and are participating in pvp, be that by wearing a pvp tag, or by being in a pvp area. I dont feel like I have to justify my actions to anyone as I have as much right to pvp as you have to forage in dyron.
I gave up replying to threads like this, along with many other pro pvpers, awhile ago as the two view points are contrasting but valid. Neither side will ever persuade the other to see it from their point of view.
Many of my guild enjoy killing kamis aligned players. Many do not. Many other karavan players enjoy killing kamis aligned players, many do not. And hell, even some kamis must enjoy it, or we wouldnt have anything to kill now would we.
Any more questions..
p.s I just noticed which guild meshin is in, and im being berated on MY pvp! The irony

Last edited by rundll32 on Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
High Officer of Order of the Nameless
High Officer of Order of the Nameless
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
lol... I like PvP
But for now ill be sticking to racing for a bit.
I am more of a "Semi" PvP status anyway... I don't attack someone without warning
I even told Kiwi I was about to tag and attack her once in Yrk lol ofc the other kara standing around listening killed me
But Then I came back killed Kiwi and ran away lol.
Rundll-- Have fun killing peeps while I am away
... Hope to kill ya again someday
(And be killed too

Rundll-- Have fun killing peeps while I am away

Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
~I resist the urge to say something, I resist the urge to say something, I resist the urge to say something.rundll32 wrote: p.s I just noticed which guild meshin is in, and im being berated on MY pvp! The irony![]()

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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Keiko your Kami alliance button in ya sig dun work ... atleast not for me 

Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
*on original topic*
I personaly dont have any Beef with Rundll. But I havnt the "pleasure" of dealing with her on anything that im aware of, So nothing from me realy on that.
*on the Tangent Topic*
I personly have no problems with PvP in general. Addmitatly the PvP in SoR has had a Rocky start. And is still somwhat Rocky at the moment. Here's my overall view on the subject.
If you tag yourself PvP, e.g. tag yourself Kami or Karavan, you are consenting to PvP in all its "glory" or lack thereof.
As others have mentiond in this thread and in others, Entering in to any of the GvG zones, e.g. PR and Nexus, you are given plenty of warning of the fact your entering a PvP zone. As such you are Consenting to the risks involved in being in such zones. Now thats not to say I wont get mad myself if someone attacks me whilst im digging, but I entered the Area knowing the risks involved.
Now while I agree that Treks shouldnt be botherd with in ToT or any of the other zones, there is another way we can look at this issue.
There is a Canyon that you wish to cross for what ever reason, and are left with 2 choices of crossing.
1. You can take the long way that has little or no risk involved but takes you 2-3 weeks because of the distance you have to travel.
2. You can take the Rickety bridge in front of you and hope it does not give way beneath you, this way taking only mins to cross.
I see the Treks from Jungle to Lakelands kinda same way. I can either take the long way from Zora to Fairhaven by way of Desert, to Forest, and into Lakelands via Heritics Hovel to Lagoons of Loria. A much safer but noticbly longer trip. Or I can take the Short cut thru Trench of Trials and Bounty Beaches, each with their own risks, and save a few hours of in game time. While it may seem like in the last statement here im Consenting to Treks being ambushed, im not, im just providing a resonable way to see why an attack on a Trek can persay be warented, not neccsairly justified.
*note the mechanics for attacking a trek was in place even before Temples, it was after temples that it became noticed as a potential issue*
*note I am not one to go attacking people simply because I can or because said person is on my "favorite" supernode, its just not the way I am. Nor will I attack any Treks. Now thats not to say I wont bite back if someone attacks me first.
My 2+ dappers on the matter
I personaly dont have any Beef with Rundll. But I havnt the "pleasure" of dealing with her on anything that im aware of, So nothing from me realy on that.
*on the Tangent Topic*
I personly have no problems with PvP in general. Addmitatly the PvP in SoR has had a Rocky start. And is still somwhat Rocky at the moment. Here's my overall view on the subject.
If you tag yourself PvP, e.g. tag yourself Kami or Karavan, you are consenting to PvP in all its "glory" or lack thereof.
As others have mentiond in this thread and in others, Entering in to any of the GvG zones, e.g. PR and Nexus, you are given plenty of warning of the fact your entering a PvP zone. As such you are Consenting to the risks involved in being in such zones. Now thats not to say I wont get mad myself if someone attacks me whilst im digging, but I entered the Area knowing the risks involved.
Now while I agree that Treks shouldnt be botherd with in ToT or any of the other zones, there is another way we can look at this issue.
There is a Canyon that you wish to cross for what ever reason, and are left with 2 choices of crossing.
1. You can take the long way that has little or no risk involved but takes you 2-3 weeks because of the distance you have to travel.
2. You can take the Rickety bridge in front of you and hope it does not give way beneath you, this way taking only mins to cross.
I see the Treks from Jungle to Lakelands kinda same way. I can either take the long way from Zora to Fairhaven by way of Desert, to Forest, and into Lakelands via Heritics Hovel to Lagoons of Loria. A much safer but noticbly longer trip. Or I can take the Short cut thru Trench of Trials and Bounty Beaches, each with their own risks, and save a few hours of in game time. While it may seem like in the last statement here im Consenting to Treks being ambushed, im not, im just providing a resonable way to see why an attack on a Trek can persay be warented, not neccsairly justified.
*note the mechanics for attacking a trek was in place even before Temples, it was after temples that it became noticed as a potential issue*
*note I am not one to go attacking people simply because I can or because said person is on my "favorite" supernode, its just not the way I am. Nor will I attack any Treks. Now thats not to say I wont bite back if someone attacks me first.

My 2+ dappers on the matter
Daemion Last of the Shadow Dragons
Leader of the Dragons of Shadow

Leader of the Dragons of Shadow
May the Shadows Watch over you
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
Rundll, thank you for the response. I hear what you are saying and that's all I asked for. As to my tag, you'll notice that I'm in trial. Perhaps it's a good fit, perhaps it's not; no one knows until it's tried.
I think the most significant thing you said, to me, was that the guilds are not homogenous when it comes to PvP. Some will and some won't. That makes things even more interesting. Can't judge a guild by the actions of a few.
cya on the battlefield,
- Mesh
I think the most significant thing you said, to me, was that the guilds are not homogenous when it comes to PvP. Some will and some won't. That makes things even more interesting. Can't judge a guild by the actions of a few.
cya on the battlefield,
- Mesh
Razyl - Seeking the Dragon since 14 July 06
Moved to the Mainland 19 July 06
Moved to the Mainland 19 July 06
velosi wrote: Whatever ruler you chose to judge others with, expect to get judged with the same ruler.
If you think you are "cool" because you dont RP...yet spend hours and hours watching your little toon dig imaginary rocks out of imaginary dirt, but someone who says "thee & thou" is a geek...uhh...yeah, do the math.
Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
none of my links for the kami alliance are working, maybe the site is down. I'll ask Kaetemi in guild tomorrow.raven41 wrote:Keiko your Kami alliance button in ya sig dun work ... atleast not for me![]()
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?
So if entering GvG zones to dig means you could get attacked.. why not bring backup, make an event out of it, with your guild or faction? That seems like a good way to make the danger of digging in gvg something emersive and rp'ish?
Of course that assumes there are enough people around for that sort of thing.. If there were, then it could develop into something interesting if all sides start doing things like that.. especially if you somehow could claim and hold the territory, and try to take other faction territories.. (ok ok so my time in eve online is bleeding through to here.. what can i say)
Of course that assumes there are enough people around for that sort of thing.. If there were, then it could develop into something interesting if all sides start doing things like that.. especially if you somehow could claim and hold the territory, and try to take other faction territories.. (ok ok so my time in eve online is bleeding through to here.. what can i say)