Mass Murderer or RPK?

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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by kuroari »

Hahahaha :)

I think we can all call Run a mass murderer :P but i have nothing against Rundll - she's doing everything within limits of the game - Nevrax's world - Nevrax's Rules, not ours - if Nevrax deems it OK to kill someone so long as they are tagged - then i have no bones to pick :)

---And after what happend at Woodburn (those of you that where around know what i'm talking about) Rundll earned my respect by charging in as the Sole Karavaneer against Woodburn - had his RP bit even through unbeatble odds - and went out like a true Homin. ever since i've always respected Rund (and she pays well for CP work i hear :P )---

so - the only way to ruin this further is to hold a grudge. Run was being very mature by not arguing and i think the rest of us should follow that example :) (yea, i'm talking about RUNDLL i know.. )

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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by sluggo0 »

I almost sort of almost agree with GrimJim (even though I can only read what you all quoted as he's been in my 'kill file' for a long time now), and I know many won't agree with me on this, it's a failing I have at explaining this philosophy perhaps, but I feel I have to try :) .

It's really very simple moral stance I have taken.

1) Real life is 'PVP tag on 100% of the time'. Does that give you the right to kill any other human being any time you want? The arguements that turning it on implies consent is flawed for this reason.

2) When there was a cold war, which some of us may not recall, there was an 'enemy', it was people in the Soviet Union. However, I thought long and hard about this, and if ever I met someone from there, I chose NOT to kill them, as morally I had no reason to do so unprovoked. Just because you see someone from the other faction tagged, you are not morally right for just killing them.

I acknowledge that turning it on implies that I MAY be attacked at any time, mabye even without provocation, however, I also believe firmly that those who simply attack me 'because they can due to my tag' may still be able to 'gank' (which is a term for cheap kill imho), and may not be thinking clearly all the way through.

I have got miffed a couple times, but really, I have had the tag on since it was rolled out and it is always on, I don't cry over getting attacked unprovoked, but I do not kill afk crafters or anyone else 'just cause i can'.

I may get into it with someone i have a legit beef with or who has ganked in the past, but _THAT_ in my opion is consent.. not jsut simply being marked 'kiillable' by a game mechanic.


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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by akede »

I am on the same exact page as Sluggo0. How odd. :D
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If you think you are "cool" because you dont RP...yet spend hours and hours watching your little toon dig imaginary rocks out of imaginary dirt, but someone who says "thee & thou" is a geek...uhh...yeah, do the math.
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by katriell »

sluggo0 wrote:not jsut simply being marked 'kiillable' by a game mechanic.
The flaw in that is that you are not marked killable. You mark yourself killable. The opposite of consenting is being forced - and nothing forces you to turn on your tag.

...Unless you got a tumor in your hand and later discovered that it is in fact growing a second brain, which causes your hand to literally have a mind of its own, and occasionally it takes control and clicks to turn on your PvP tag just to spite you. :p

Anyway, I do agree that you shouldn't kill at every opportunity "just because you can." But I do not agree that any instance of being killed while PvP-tagged could be considered non-consensual.

All use of the word "you" in this post is general, not personal.
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by ratara »

this thread has made me laugh..ty... and score run.. another thread just for yoU!
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by sluggo0 »

katriell wrote:could be considered non-consensual.

All use of the word "you" in this post is general, not personal.
True.. I guess also I look at 'morally right', 'unsports(person)like', 'cheap kills', etc as well.

The first games I played had some of the biggest room for abuse -- FPS games had problems like spawn camping, cheap kill tactics if your frag count was looking the wrong way, I watched guys try to look better by sitting on a spawn point and getting 15 kills just to look good in rankings, etc.

I have still fond memories of some of the truly great sports. People that would commend you on besting them, and used pure skill to generally beat everyone hands down.

I guess i'm not talking about non-consentual as much as 'morally inferior' when someone kills someone who is obviously not fighting back, with or without AFK tag (the AFK tag in Ryzom is very poorly implemented because tells go into the bit bucket while afk, so many dont' use it), crafting, etc.

Anyhow, I think if i'm digging in GvG areas or PvP areas I expect that half the thrill for me is maybe getting killed while digging, I don't think that's cheap, that's what PvP resources are all about. If you don't like that, you don't like Ryzom or you're just whining cause that's been here since when? Launch?

I know that some whine about that, that's not my thing :)

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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by grimjim »

katriell wrote:Activating a PvP tag is consenting to PvP.
The argument isn't really over what constitutes 'peaceful', but rather over what qualifies as 'consent' when it comes to PvP.
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by ghyselsj »

I'll say it one last time:

If you enter a PvP zone that you know is there, you consent to PvP!

That is all.
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by ratara »

woah with the big texts...
whos has the biggest!!!
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Re: Mass Murderer or RPK?

Post by komissar »

sluggo0 wrote:I When there was a cold war, which some of us may not recall, there was an 'enemy', it was people in the Soviet Union. However, I thought long and hard about this, and if ever I met someone from there, I chose NOT to kill them, as morally I had no reason to do so unprovoked. Just because you see someone from the other faction tagged, you are not morally right for just killing them.

I acknowledge that turning it on implies that I MAY be attacked at any time,
LOool OMG I'm falling from chair :)

I am that evil man from the Soviet Union Pleazedonkillme :) )))
And thanks for not killing us in RL OMFG lol

I acknowledge that having a "born in USSR" inplies that I consent to PvP but still Pleasedonkillme :) )))

Now that was the greatest laugh I had since playing this game *wiping a tear from his eye*

Now I gotta change my sig to :) ))

P/S Seriously though. Thta's the example of how propaganda fks up peoples brains...
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