Windra IS an honorable homin (just a little confused, Sorry Win). I am the one who received this OP in trust from another Karavan Guild to use for the good of all Karavan. I am the one who reminded Win of this trust and would not allow him to continue on this misguided path, he is simply doing as any good HO should, following the wishes of his GL. If KoO had shown up for the defense phase of this battle they would have been easily defeated anyways, (there was a surprisingly good karavan turnout) so KoO did not LET us keep our OP, we, the karavan, defended it, as we have on several occasions now.d29565 wrote:Windra, I thought you an honorable homin. I did not expect lies from you, as you so told me. I convinced KoO to leave the Outpost to you, because I was told that this outpost would serve basically to do the same thing we wished to do, helping young kami as well. Your lies and deceit are truly what I have come to expect from many of your fellow karavan. Do not that Kings of Oblivion again, because we let you keep the outpost, decieved.
So stop attacking Windra, it was not his decision, it was mine, and you can attack me all you like, I really could care less.