*Yawning, a tryker guard looked up from his half-asleep state and checked the moons. it was late - too late. looking around he stopped, staring bleery eyed at a bunch of homins in huddle, many wearing the accursed Samsara Ensign on their person. Blinking himself awake and rubbing his eyes, he found nothing there.* ">.> .. <.<... *sigh* i need more sleep[/]"
"hahahhaha! stupid guard!" *Bonk* "OW!" "hush!" "sry sry..." *whispering voice* "ok, everyone know what to do?" "yup" "uh-huh" "got it" "good, then go do what you gotta do and be quick about it!"
*Guild Samsara ran through the lakelands unnoticed, making sure everything would be ready for _that_ thing*
OOC:: This thread is going to be a bunch of continuing Posts by the Samsara- culminating in a final post that will make all the posts come together. PLEASE feel free to join in at any time and throw in your own posts to continue the story and we will work around it
Last edited by kuroari on Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
*A strange matis woman entered the Fairhaven Guardhouse in a heavy coat and long skirt. The guards looked her way warily, unsure on how to react to such an odd visit. High-Born Matisian women NEVER visited the grunt-work guardhouse! Nothing daunted, Servy walked past the guards and suddenly everyone stopped their work to stare wide-mouthed. A grinning NB, quiet and unseen, shut the doors to the barracks and locked them in*
*Kostika swims up to the beach with the full moons shining down to light her way*
"Awww...this will do just perfectly", she says taking the cove in that surrounds her. "The trouble I went through to find this place. They'll never appreciate it."
She wander around the beach, choosing jsut the right spot.
"They'll fight here though. They'll fight here for the prize and prestige and like it." She grins to herself and looks up to the moons, "Oh yes, they will definately fight here."
*NB crept away from the Guardhouse Kitchen grinning, Easy Make coffee-bags in hand* Those fools will never know what hit em! A few hours and they should be utterly useless! *grins* Switching their Coffee bags for some of Gamic's slow-working Sleep powder was a great idea! Now to find Ela
Its a bright moonlit night, on a remote beach somewhere on Atys, as a lone swimmer approaches. An old grey-bearded Fyros is sitting in the trees at the edge of the beach watching the approaching swimmer.
"Now What? Can't a fella get any alone time ANYWHERE?!?" Samar watches as the swimmer pulls herself up on the beach, realizing that he knows this proud Fyros Warrior Woman. Its his guild leader, Kostika.
He watches as she surveys the beach, realizing that she doesn't seem to see him. "Maybe she isn't lookng for me afterall" he thinks.
Waiting until her back was to him, Samar creeps further back into the underbrush...
Samar d'Naz - Homin, pure and simple. Desert Nomad
Crafter, Digger, Healer, Bug Smasher, Grey Beard, Surrogate "Uncle" to the Dodgey Duo
TANSTAAFL (unless you're a newb trying to kill Master Kincher, then its YOU!)
Elavali strolled along the dock watching the reflection of the clouds waving softly in the water as she mentally prepared herself for the events to come. Breathing deeply, she slowly stretched her arms out, lowering her forehead to her knees, then rose quickly gasping. Chipped toenail polish?! This would never do! Turning she hurried back down the dock towards the beauty shop. She would meditate while those darling little Trykerettes running the place worked their magic.
As she neared the building she heard a very recognizable voice bellowing through the open windows. Grinning she hurried inside waving to a rather ticked off Jyudas, and settling into a comfortable chair.
"Purple polish please, and I could really use one of your amazing foot massages," Elavali requested as she thought to herself, "I hate to see results of Jyu's haircut if he's gonna yell at the poor Trykerettes before they even start working! Is saving a few dapper really worth being bald?"
Just then she looked up and saw Nightblade walking past the window with a very frustrated look on his face.
"Hey love, I'm just about ready for the ..." Her voice trailed off as he slapped a hand to his forehead and walked quickly away.
"Hmmm ...I wonder what that was all about?" she thought to herself, waving her feet to dry the polish more quickly. Looking good was vital, but she didn't want to be late!
Zahan left the secret Dodgy Laboratory grinning, another batch of special sticky notes completed. Picking up his sharpie, he began to scribble notes on each of the pads .
There... perfect! and right on time!
Zahan went off in search of the homins in his list.
*In a Guardhouse in the heart of Fairhaven, Guards were Hooting cat calls at a half-naked Servelan dancing atop the tables, as she bent over to give a guard a kiss, she slipped a pill into his drink and moved on, pulling out another Pill from her Bosom *
Early the following morning, Samar stripped out of his armour, packing it carefully in a water-proof pouch.
"Bloody Lakelands!! Far too much water for my taste! No wonder these Tryker are so small, the water keeps shrinking their armour! Not to mention all the mold and mildew it causes.." he grumbled as he prepared to leave his isolated beach.
Before the sun had risen fully, Samar was on his way, swimming into Fairhaven to gather supplies for the coming weeks.
As the lone swimmer passed beaches full of critters and the occasional homin, a quiet but constant stream of grumbling and complaining could be heard. Those few who bothered to stop and listen quickly moved on their way, smiling and shaking their heads in wonder at this old Fyros warrior grumbling about water, moldy armour, bodoc grease, and wrinkled skin.
Hauling out on the beach near Fairhaven, Samar quickly dried himself and donned his heavy armour, then headed for the market place.
Turning a corner, Samar looked up to see a face he recognized coming towards him... "What the..!!? Damn, what's he doing here?" Samar muttered as he ducked behind a merchant's stall. Nightblade stormed on past, never even noticing Sam, muttering "WOMEN! More concerned for their looks than their duties to the guild! How am I going to pull this off now?"
"Hmm," thought Samar, "Ela must be in town also. And what Guild Duties?? What's he got going on this time? If he's here, Z can't be far away, better keep my eyes and ears open."
With that, Samar started moving cautiously through the market place, on the lookout for more of his Guild Mates.
[As an aside here, it should be noted that Samar d'Naz has a reputation for being a cranky old man who'd rather be alone in the desert than in the company of other Homins. None the less, he's really a friendly sort of guy once you get to know him, provided you let him grumble. And he'll always stop to lend a helping hand should he come across a Homin in need on his travels. However, the Dodgey Duo "have his number", and delight in embarassing the old man, calling him Grandpa, "Uncle Sammy", and hugging him everytime they see him. Hence, Samar tries to avoid unnecessary contact with the duo.]
"Oh gods be ware! Jyudas must have crossed Kyerna again" thought Samar. "That's the only time I EVER hear him complaining about the price of a 'haircut' in that establishment!"
Samar hurried on, grinning from ear to ear...
Last edited by mehanson on Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Samar d'Naz - Homin, pure and simple. Desert Nomad
Crafter, Digger, Healer, Bug Smasher, Grey Beard, Surrogate "Uncle" to the Dodgey Duo
TANSTAAFL (unless you're a newb trying to kill Master Kincher, then its YOU!)
As he walks along the docks, Haldir hears a familiar voice. Gazing through the open window he sees her, slender legs sprawled out for the Trykerettes to work their magic. Like a cat getting her belly scratched, purring softly. Those Trykerettes better watch out though....one false move and...Pounce!
Haldir shakes his head, muttering to himself, "Looks like more delays in getting those seeds. So much for Samsara reliablity. What Samsara reliabilty?!? You can only rely on them to be filling their dapper pouches. Pay them enough and they might get the job done....someday. Hmmm....maybe I should pay a commission just to get the goods delivered in a timely manner." Haldir turns and starts walking towards the trainers. So close to learning the secret arts of making Dragonblades for himself. He must press on. He continues grumbling to himself as he walks, "They wouldn't show up for my tournament, so I ain't showing up for theirs. Maybe my prize wasn't high enough...but they didn't know it all. Though I would like to teach that Zahan a thing or two of proper swordplay. Maybe Marelli can again", grinning broadly to himself, revelling in the memory.