I played WoW up until about 2 months ago. Had been playing since last version during open beta. Had 2 characters hit 60: NE Warrior and Orc lock. Smattering of other characters including a 57 priest, 3x rogue, 3xhunter.huntn wrote: If anyone cares to constrast the 2 games, I'm all ears.
SoR caught my attention in October 2004 recently after it was launched. I tried it and didn't like the new starting area. I felt lost and the community just wasn't as accessible as it is now.(Universal Chat Channel). Couldn't get the concept of stanzas and actions and just moved on. I returned the end of last month and played the NPE(New Player Experience) or commonly known as the starter Island(Ruins of Silan).
The island is great. It's just one huge tutorial and really teaches you how to play. Like any other tutorial, it isn't always representative of the total game experience. I hit the mainland on 29 June and have been exploring since then.
Now to your questions:
While all of the content can be solo'd with the exception of named(boss) mobs at the highest of levels, small grouping is the norm. Solo play involves multitasking to not have downtime. That means you might hunt until exhausted of resources(stamina or sap(mana)) and then harvest in the same area, switching back when your hunt resources are replenished. Small group play allows all concerned to maintain an even hunting flow as you can heal each other during battle. Unlike other games, you DON'T have to group to play. You won't hear LFG every second on the regional chat channels. No waiting for 45 mins after login for everyone in the group to fly someplace to start your adventure.huntn wrote: *Is SOR's emphasis on small party quests at all levels? How soloable is it?
The quest framework on the tutorial island is extensive and leads you step by step to the conclusion. Ryzom is a Saga. There is no end game inasmuch as there is no end game in EvE or in Asheron's Call. The missions on the mainland are designed to foster exploration and to work up your fame with the various factions. There are some missions that are linked and when completed create pages in an encyclopedia which provides you with further tasks. Hoping someone with more SoR experience can add to this one.huntn wrote:*My understanding is that the quest framework in SOR is not all that extensive. Just what is the emphasis in the game and what exactly are world events?
Little editorial here: When I say there is no End Game, some will hear that and remark, bleh, then what is the point. I'd like to turn it around and ask of the WoW players, What is the point of doing MC umpteen times? Oh, to get gear? Yes. To get gear so that I can hit AQ umpteen times....ah I get it now. Regardless of what "content" Blizzard implements instance-wise it will always be the same. Grind an instance to equip to be able to grind an instance ad infinitum.
Ryzom end game doesn't really exist. You have a moving political scene that results in Outpost Wars(pvp-consentual), there are GM run events that shake out the story with e.g. a hunt for a lost prince, building temples for your cult or an invasion of Kitin and you have a skill based character model that requires years to max. No cap in 16 weeks and then do end game.
SoR is static in terms of the landmass. You have the island, the mainland with an area for each Civilization, regions within those areas and then the Prime Roots(PR).huntn wrote:*WoW is the ultimate example of a static world. Is SOR better in this regards?
MOB AI is better than anything I have seen. Herbivores herd around and run from carnivores. They might come to you, sniff you and look you over as curious of you as you are of them. Carnivores pack hunt and are much faster than their prey. Fights will break out frequently when territories are crossed. Herbivores graze and move around within their groups/herds. Think about some of the cat pathing in WoW where you have a mother and cub. They appear to interact and have some sort of relationship as they move. Now think about 20 mobs doing that and then you start to understand mob AI in Ryzom. Oh, and Ryzom has collision detection so running through that herd of 20 can be interesting.
Builds develop as players are constrained in how they can develop their character. Perhaps they need to select a class, perhaps apply xp gained to skills, perhaps pick a tree branch each level. You look to a build to not make the mistakes of others. Some games, a la WoW, even allow you to reset a build in case you need to make a change, for a price of course.huntn wrote:Also in WoW there was a lot of info floating around on the best character "builds", in otherwords, how you develop your character. Could anyone point me at similar info for SoR?
In SoR can a character be reset and still maintain xp to redevelop that character?
Ryzom character development is not constrained by any game code. You can train up every single tree branch and the only thing preventing you from doing so is the sheer effort/time involved. You can max in magic in any of the subtrees that are available. Maybe you want to max in 2 of them. Then you max in 1 tree in Fight. Perhaps you then want to max in 2 crafting trees and 2 harvesting trees. You could do them one at a time or all at the same time. Choose your poison.
This game is very different from any other I've tried since beginning with MMOs with Asheron's Call back in November 1999. Give it a go with the free unlimited tutorial island. It's a very good tasts of gameplay.
Shoot me a message any time for clarification.