Machinima project
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
Machinima project
Hello! I don't quite know where this could be lumped under and I was tempted to post this in the general forum but it wouldn't fit, anyways here I go..
I'm an ambitious young filmmaker and before I move onto making short films, i'm interested in making machinima movies. For those of you who don't know machinima basically means a movie filmed through a video game. Ever since coming to Ryzom (I'm still on ruins of silan) i've been blown away at how the world and characters could really be easily lumped into a machinima movie.
I have some fundamental ideas but I lack the partners to help me get mottivated, so pretty much I need anyone who is remotely interested by this project; I'm aiming for the film to be 45 minutes long ( I know, very long, possibly the longest machinima yet) and its main character will be a Fyros gunman whos similair to Sergio Leones "the man with no name" character (AKA Clint eastwood)
Again, if your interested feel free to contact me via Ingame or E-Mail
Ingame name: Sitius
I'm an ambitious young filmmaker and before I move onto making short films, i'm interested in making machinima movies. For those of you who don't know machinima basically means a movie filmed through a video game. Ever since coming to Ryzom (I'm still on ruins of silan) i've been blown away at how the world and characters could really be easily lumped into a machinima movie.
I have some fundamental ideas but I lack the partners to help me get mottivated, so pretty much I need anyone who is remotely interested by this project; I'm aiming for the film to be 45 minutes long ( I know, very long, possibly the longest machinima yet) and its main character will be a Fyros gunman whos similair to Sergio Leones "the man with no name" character (AKA Clint eastwood)
Again, if your interested feel free to contact me via Ingame or E-Mail
Ingame name: Sitius
Re: Machinima project
Well we had almost the same kind of project starting in the past.
So I have a ready script for a movie it.
Contact me ingame if interested or send an ingame email
So I have a ready script for a movie it.

Contact me ingame if interested or send an ingame email
Komizaur (Silan rep.)
"A fond memory" of the "Order of the Nameless"
Matisian Botanist: "Complete Atlas of Atysian Flora (work in progress)"
Devoted Scholar of the "Zorai pictograms" "Zorai pictographic Signatures on demand"
Author of "The Kitin Scriptures" "The Kitin Scriptures WEBCOMIC!!!"
"Яussians may die - but never give up!"
Komizaur (Silan rep.)
"A fond memory" of the "Order of the Nameless"
Matisian Botanist: "Complete Atlas of Atysian Flora (work in progress)"
Devoted Scholar of the "Zorai pictograms" "Zorai pictographic Signatures on demand"
Author of "The Kitin Scriptures" "The Kitin Scriptures WEBCOMIC!!!"
"Яussians may die - but never give up!"
Re: Machinima project
Hey Mate. We should meet
Sadly my Editing Software is buggy atm, but I hope I get this fixed someday soon. What Software do you use?
Hey Mate. We should meet

Sadly my Editing Software is buggy atm, but I hope I get this fixed someday soon. What Software do you use?
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
Re: Machinima project
Try giving Tyilin a yell... he was going to make a movie but for some reason didn't get any further than the intro 

Re: Machinima project
Every story needs a heroine. Count me in. 

~* Trixie Seiren *~
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
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Trixie's Comic Book Series
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Re: Machinima project
Not to be rude but please do not offer me scripts, I'm slowly writing a script (at this point just forming ideas) and it will be like no other machinima out there (Dont mean to sound cocky)
Feel free to add :
AIM: Pink Sitius
For editting I have sony vegas, however I have yet to learn how to use it.
Feel free to add :
AIM: Pink Sitius
For editting I have sony vegas, however I have yet to learn how to use it.
Re: Machinima project
oooh, Sony Vegas... Great Programm, but complicated as Hell. I´m trying to get into it too.. Wish my Pinnacle Studio would function again.sitius wrote: For editting I have sony vegas, however I have yet to learn how to use it.

Have got such nice shots of RoS and such a cool idea, but the friggin thing won´t work properly. I´ve de-/reinstalled a few times, made room on the FPs, de/reinstalled all Anti Virus Software and Firewalls, changed codecs and drivers and, and, and... Nothing works.

The last thing I did with it was the Intro for my guild, a few weeks ago. It worked like a charm. And now it´s on strike it seems

It either shuts down without any reason given, or freezes and then complains about "not enough memory".
Wich is rather strange, with 2 Gigabyte Ram, a Dual Core 64 3,8 Gig CPU and a Nvidia7800GT 512mb. And 2 Hardrives of each 200 Gig, that are half full at max.

Everything else works fine, no Problems whatsoever... Only this damned Programm won´t work since two weeks ago...
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
At"Ryzom Movies"!![highlight]
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
Re: Machinima project
Well, when I move to the mainland i'll begin to hunt down my crew. I got the concept of the trailer nailed along with the possible name of the film itslef.
Again, this is going to be HUGE. I need help!
Again, this is going to be HUGE. I need help!
Re: Machinima project
Ooooh, your Avatar makes you MUCH mor sympathetic 
Trend Reznor ROCKS!
You need help, with what?
People? Editig? Filming?
A bit more Info would be nice

Trend Reznor ROCKS!

You need help, with what?
People? Editig? Filming?
A bit more Info would be nice

Take a look at the collected Works of Ryzom Players all over the World!
At"Ryzom Movies"!![highlight]
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
At"Ryzom Movies"!![highlight]
238[/highlight] Videos, [highlight]181[/highlight] Fan-Artworks and [highlight] 3 [/highlight] original Songs are up allready.
[highlight]SoR Score Musics including Trailers!![/highlight]
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter