Well jeez. I keep hearing people say that the commuity here is extra-great, and I've just had it proven to me.
My ideal team is a group of people I know in real life, and who are sitting in the same room networked with me so we can talk back and forth to each other. EDIT: The most important thing about my teammates is that they are no more experienced with the game than me- so we all learn together, and I don't get drug by the nose from quest to quest, from max-xp area to max-xp area, without time to stop and gaze at the scenery (one of my many habits that can annoy strangers. Do I get xp for taking screenshots?

That invariably means I play with like 1-2 other people. Once in a while I team with others, but I'm always a nervous nellie about it. I come from Anarchy Online, where mix-maxing (or twinking, as it's called there) is a way of life, so partying with a stranger is really just a way to embarras yourself if you don't have a sugar-daddy giving you all the gear and credits you need. So that may account for my anti-social partying methods.

I know, defeats the purpose of an MMO- but I like seeing other people run around, I like the long play time, and I love to role-play once I understnd the world.
So, I guess the next thing I have to learn about is enchanting weapons with spells. The idea of making a weapon cast fear or madness or whatever when I hit with it seems right up my alley indeed.