Yeah, i kind of joined the Samsara the day before yesterday too, was told to make a nice little post here, but i'm not the kind of person to write essays like i saw a few others did. I prefer to get an answer the moment i said something, rather then posting a huuuuge text and waiting a day before reading replies
So i'll just give a short intro of who i am.
I've been in quite a bit of guilds since i came into the newer Atys, the parts not ransanked by the Kitin raids. I met the perfect girl, we fell in love, married in withered stock mountain, then after some problems in some guilds we created our own little guild. Leaving that 2-man guild and joining Samsara was hard for me since she wouldn't be coming with me, but as she said, you can chat in pm just as well as in guild, if you're talking 1 person to another. We're still together as in married, just not in the same guild
let's not make this any longer, if u want more info about me, go ahead and send me a tell, i'll be happy to reply.
My name is Elavali, daughter of a prosperous albeit infamous merchant. I have lived my life clothed in silks and surrounded by every luxury. My father has a reputation in our fair city; (though for selfish reasons I choose to keep its name to myself), a reputation for double dealing and bloodthirsty tactics. Many rumors abound that his merchant ships are little more than privateers, plundering lesser vessels, and it is well known that to accept a loan from my father is paramount to signing away your lifes work.
Poor girl! you may be thinking, but do not pity me! The ruthless blood of my father courses through my veins and my dream has been to follow in his footsteps, taking over the business when the old man surrenders to his age, and expanding it beyond even his wildest dreams.
However, recent times have brought a change to our family. My fathers new wife, a clever vixen, barely two years my elder has borne him a son. Blood of my blood, he is, and what can I do? My family has held my loyalty from the day of my birth, and it cannot waver, even now.
Urged by my father and friends to accept this twist with the calm composed demeanor expected of a lady of my station, and even promised in marriage to a business partner of my fathers, I did what I must. I, with infinite composure and calmness, gathered my most treasured belongings into a satchel and set off to make a name for myself.
My father has trained me well Samsara, and now I turn to you. You of whom I have heard many stories, whose dreams and desires mesh so well with my own. Is there room within your ranks for one more? Will you allow me to prove myself to you, rise through your ranks, and fight by your side? Yes I am ambitious, but also fiercely loyal. My sword is yours, my loyalty belonging solely to those who share my blood and should you accept me, to those who wear your colors.
Greetings, I am Kelesis. I cannot specify what kind of person I am or what skills I am highly trained in. All I can say is that I am a Jack of All Trades and searching for more experience to further my knowledge and possibly pass on some as well. I am on no side and everyone's side, as long as the money is in it. I am not a greedy man, but I know what "survival of the fittest" entails. I am an honest person and true to my word, I don't make promises I cannot keep, especially to my newfound brethern, The Samsara. Mercenaries they say, and if what they say is true, then I have found a new home. My sword and spirit will stay strong, my loyalty and trust will stay true, and my resolve to defend my brothers and sisters will never be more solid. Through light or darkness, good or evil, right or wrong, my strength cannot be rescinded as long as the bond is not broken. You will find you have chosen a great asset to your goals. Farewell and good luck on your travels, I am sure we shall cross paths.
Saphire felt poking between her ribs and slowly she opened her eyes,her head hurt terrible:'What happened Chyiu?'
The vague image became more clear ,but she didn't recognize the trusted maskpaintings of her older brother, instead she was looking at a tall adult Zorai,a funny and friendly looking one with maskpaintings that weren't obviously ment to be taken seriously.
He held a stick he had used to wake her up.
'Hi there I am Zahan ,Who on earth are u?And what are u doing here in the jungla all alone??',he asked amazed, seeing this young Zorai-girl lying there.She wasn't just the regular homin,her eyes had this strong ,firy glow,and she didn't wore the casual refugeeclothes.She had something royal.
The girl realized his piercing looks.Suddenly she felt totally alone on the world,she wasn't at her grandfathers place anymore,the well known traininggrounds where he had spoken to them:'
'Chyiu and Saphire,I tought u the basics of combat ,because u will need em sooner or later ,U will both find out life won't be always as u would like,and loosing your mother has been one sad memory ,but there will be others; good ones and sad ones...
But remember U both are born under the same stars with a difference of only 11years of the 11th cycle of Atys after the rising of the 11th moon,connecting u both on a higher psychic level,forging a bond that will overcome every danger and every problem.But I also will also disappear out of your lives one day.Becoming just one of the 11 masters on your journey,just as your mother had predict.'He continued:
Saphire,my little sunshine ,sometimes u should stop babbling like a tryker and listen to your older brother,u will need his advize!It will save your life more as once.Nevertheless,don't ever get separated from him!
Chyiu, my first born grandson,once u return to this place u will inherit with your sister each half of the crown,u know what that means do u ?Never avoid the responsability u have to take ,not of your own life ,not of your sisters life and neither of those u will have to work and live with.Be fair,be strong but also be VERY patient.'
Saphire remembered those words...especially because they both were laughing and looking at her ,as if they were hiding a secret...It made her feel warm inside .
Now she was just scared for the unknown and many more things,just as the terrible secret she and Chyiu shared together.
And then she als had these strange dreams at night ...the urge to follow those dreams and knowing what would follow.
Yesterday she had one again ,where this voice was speaking to her,one she didn't recognize at first ; but nevertheless felt really familiar at the same time:
'Tommorow my child ,U will find the second Master that will bring u to your new family, u can recognize him to the stick he holds in his hand when u meet him.U will like him a lot,but yet this funny person has very powerfull friends with a lot of influence,so do not underestimate this Masters' greatness. He will lead u to your new mother and family,and people with huge ego and at the same time, golden hearts!Take them in your heart Saphire...'
Slowly she looked up to the stranger with the funny mask:
'Hi My Master Zahan,do u know where my brother is ?',she whispered...
The new master's face turned from friendly to terribly scared as he had seen the depths of hell, realizing what he just heard and the possible consequences.
'Oh-my ,How should I ever explain this to Nilliana and Kostika,Uuurgh....'He started to scratch behind his ears while brainstorming the unlimited possibilities his brains could come up with, for a plausible andjustified excuse.
I'm Chyiu, Saphire's brother. She came up to me one day over-excited about this Zoraï she had met, and that he'd be oh-so-helpful and nice that she felt she should join his guild, so I decided to tag along. After all, she's still pretty new to this world and so am I, so looking out for her is my duty. She's liable to just run into a pack of ragus just because she doesn't know what they are ... and then come running back just as fast .
I hope that I'll fit into this close-knit guild, and that I'll be able to help out with my meager skills. The idea of being a mercenary appeals to me, as I'll end up being someone respected for my deep knowledge of inner politics and thorough ability to sneek from one place to another.
I just hope I'll survive bootcamp
PS : Well, my sister mentioned the bit where our grandfather told her not to babble ... but apparently she's still working on that bit .