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Re: Hi All

Post by odyvek »

*Huggles everyone* I gotta raise my huggling skills guys otherwise i'll never become anything more than apprentice :D

Anyways i've got couple of questions concerning the game.
I've seen somewhere on the boards that choosing ranged weapons against melee isnt such a good idea... can anyone prove or disprove this and why isnt it a good idea? from what ive seen on the begginers isle so far is that 1. Ranged weapons need ammo 2. They deal less damage then a more or less camparable quality sword&dagger combination 3. Cannot even kill a suckling yubo before it gets to you and hits you at least ones (was lvl 20 at the time) 4. you can obviously kill a suckling yubo with sword&dagger at lvl 14 with one hit. 5. the wallpaper with fyros holding a Qewl looking gun is so amazing that i want to be able to have it in game :)

and a second question. What are the benefits and drawbacks of light medium and heavy armor, apart from obvious that heavy armor would have more protection and light armor less? For example does heavy armor impede you magic?

Thank you all in a dvance for all your answers.
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Re: Hi All

Post by finisher »

I read somewhere that HA makes cast times longer and cost more Sap. I have yet to play the game but just been absorbing all the info I can ^_^ Can't wait to get started!
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Re: Hi All

Post by jamela »

Range combat does less damage than melee, so is slower work. Different types of range also cause different types of secondary damage so there's a risk of hitting your teammates if they get in the way, or take penetration or area of effect damage. I think rifles can hit secondary targets between you and your target, launchers can hit those behind your target, and autolaunchers cause splash damage; I can't state definitively, sorry, try for yourself sometime ;) . Running out of ammo is also a limitation, especially for the big weapons - I seem to remember hearing that autolauncher fighters can carry about 9 or 10 rounds, tops.

Medium armour, heavy armour and all weapons have a "malus" attribute which can affect your actions when they are equipped (or worn). Light armour and jewellery do not. For example: each piece of heavy armour has a malus of 20, so a full suit gives you 120 in total - casting a spell while wearing this will cost you 120% more sap/hp and time than if you were naked or wearing light armour, and will drastically reduce the range at which you can cast the spell. My numbers may not be quite right, but I hope you get the general idea.

On the plus side for medium and heavy armour, apart from their greater protection compared to light armour, each piece also adds to your hp. Heavy armour adds hp equal to the quality level of the piece, medium adds half of that. That's a basic bonus, quite independent of any stat boost that a player crafter might add to a piece.
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Re: Hi All

Post by akm72 »

Autolauncher gunners can carry 42 rounds, while wearing a set of LA or MA, wearing a full set of jewelry and carrying their autolauncher. They take up 5 bulk per round and you craft 6 rounds per batch.
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Post by odyvek »

Thank you guys, very helpfull. But do i understand correctly then that malus affects magic skills and not fight skills? And does it affect other skills as well such as harvesting and crafting? Also i dont think there should be a problem taking off armor when you are crafting, but it would be a bit annoying to do it everytime.

And if we are on the topic of armor and crafting... Is it feasable to take up weapon crafting and armor crafting together or would they lvl too slow because ive heard that armor branches out rediculously towards higher lvls...Umm i think thats it, oh and ive decided to subscribe to the game, i mean i allready did so you can all congratulate me :) hehe.

See you all in the game!!!

Almost forgot is there a shortcut or a keymap for weapon equip? or do i have to do it manually everytime?
Hail Eris-All hail Discordia-Kallisti

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Re: Hi All

Post by ichigono »

Malus affects every skill; it causes fight actions to take more HP/stamina. And it affects the quality of what you craft; best to get a suit of light armor for crafting so you don't have to do it nekkid

It would be easier to reach max skill if you focus on one or the other. Weaponcraft branches a good deal at higher levels, too; each 1 handed weapon and its 2 handed counter part, plus magic amplifiers. Then again, more room for SP mining if you do both *hehehe*

I think you have to manually equip your weapon.

And, welcome to Ryzom :D
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