Correct me if I'm wrong then, this is what I've gotten the impression of from the thread...
Outpost give you really nice rewards (new skins for stuff is a very cool reward, forget about crystals
However, in order to get those rewards you have to work for them. The method at the moment is that you must risk your life and fight against your fellow player...
But, there are people who want the rewards, without having to follow the path to get them....
So there is conflict because people want the goodies, but they don't want to deal with PvP. And they don't want to pay for them through trade or humble themselves by "begging"
Honestly that sounds pretty silly to me. What's the big deal about PvP anyway? Why don't some people like it? (This is a question I've always had, its no different than fighting a mob with really good AI - unless the other person is cheating.) The only reason I can really think of is that the winners lord it over the losers and harass them - but with the customer service I've seen here I don't really think that's a big problem. I mean, no one likes to lose... but I've never met a person yet who didn't come to love PvP once they actually started to try it. It's a new level of challenge that you don't get from fighting your standard mobs.
Now, that being said, I do agree with a post from another forum that it'd make more sense if the PvP rewards were PvP related and didn't apply to PvE... BUT, the rewards from PvPing are not required for PvE either. The crystals can actually be thought of as a "payment" for taking the time out of grinding and skilling up and exploring to attack or defend an outpost. If you look at it that way, it actually gives a big unfair advantage to players who don't PvP, but still get the crystals.
Think of it this way, when you PvP you lean more about your character an the skills they have and how to use them and how to fight. The crystals allow you to level on more or less the same pace as other players who don't PvP. Both players are getting about the same experience in terms of how to play their character. The one who doesn't PvP might know his way around a little better though. Now, if the person who doesn't PvP uses crytstals, they're short changing themselves because now they kow their way around as much as the PvPer, but they can't play their charater as well because they've had much less time actually using it.
So I think that XP Crystals as a reward for PvPing is a fair and balanced idea. Could the rates of Xp bonus be adjusted? Maybe. Maybe double XP is too much, maybe not. You also have to consider how often people who PvP actually have those crystals. If they don't hold the outpost, they don't have the crystals. No one's gauranteed to hold the outpost. It sounds ike some people think the crystals are automaticly always there...
Now, the new crafting patterns and skinns and materials... those I can't really justify as being a great reward for only PvPers.
What I think should be instead (maybe its already this way, I don't know.)...
The area around an Outpost is a PvP Free zone. In that area, you can prospect these new materials and dig them up freely. The catch is that if the OP owner doesn't want you there they can kill you for tresspassing on their land. Consaquently, you and your buddyes could defend yourselves and steal away, raiding the OP owners resources. That would allow everyone the new materials, in a pretty fair manor. If you don't like to PvP, maybe you can work something out with the OP owner and get premission then not have to worry about it.
The new plans and tools... to make those easily accessable to non PvPers, I don't really see a problem with providing an NPC who sells/trains them to everyone at a price set by the OP owners. If you don't PvP you can still get them, you just have to pay a sum of money. I don't thinkt he playerbase is so big you have to worry about someone charging you a totally rediculus amount.. word would get around too fast and the OP owners would be shunned. Really you could allow the raw mats to be sold too.
So... in short, I think the basis of the argument is pretty silly. Granted, outpost rewards could be implemented a little better... but I don't think the situation is nearly as bad as people make them out to be.
The XP Crystals are sort of a counter balance for the time spent PvPing and not playing normally... and everything can be bought and traded for, and I don't really see an issue with that. If you don't want to PvP but still want the goods, that's fine. You aren't PvPing, you have more time to make money, so you can trade with the PvPers for the items you want.
Maybe the community just needs to make a decent price list for the items...?
I mean, if you KNOW that outposts are PvP related... and you hold an outpost and honestly think you can avoid PvP... you're just deluding yourself. It's risk vs reward. It's like joining the army for college money and then end up being upset when you get sent to Iraq and shot at. You knew what you were getting into before you started, so you really have no right to complain about it.
And Kali, that was a great post you made.
And on a final note, regarding XP crystals, the dev's have said multiple times they're tossing around ways to maybe give them out as tradeoff for playing in the Ring. So I'm pretty sure PvP won't be the ONLY way to get them. It's just the only way at the moment. It'll just take time for that to change... you all can wait, right?