Gimped weapons

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Re: Gimped weapons

Post by tayster »

One of the windows you have up has three tabs. One of those tabs is action(s?). Under that there a button which either says dodge mode, or parry mode. If you click on it it changes.
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Re: Gimped weapons

Post by phoenyx »

jesder wrote:Umm .. I would rather have a weapon that could hit something .. Dzao is better as a grip. You should put dodge on your armour.
Yeah, that's a good point. I've just been enjoying all that free stamina I get by employing ...after Dodge actions. I stack both my highest accurate attack and my highest increased damage bricks on a custom action that's triggered after dodge. I wonder if the tradeoff between spamming as many of those babies as possible for free makes up for the fewer chances to fire off an ...after dodge but getting better adversary dodge reduction. Seems like it would be worth testing both types of weaps, if I feel like spending the hours it will take to find a choice dzao node somewhere.
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Re: Gimped weapons

Post by kisedd »

A very good write up on crafting. The problem with all these materials type games, is that through trial and error, people find what works "best" and people go with those options.

In a loot type game people find that the "dagger of the Spider Queen" is the best dagger for level 20-25 and any player who is worth his salt will get that dagger. Sure there are other daggers out there, but they are inferior.

So we have this really in depth materials system in Ryzom, and players have found what makes choice, max damage max speed weapons, and now all the other materials are pretty much inferior. Certainly, nobody wants anything to do with basic or fine materials because they are pure junk.

I'm not saying the crafting sytem is bad, but its not really the labratory where you can mix and match all kinds of materials and really offer a true choice to players. There is pretty much one best weapon material with some very few choices as long as you "max damage" and "max speed"
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