Before going further, first we would like to know your opinion on whether organising one bigger meeting at the same place for the three communities, or, as before, a meeting per community. Why propose this choice? We thought that, as you would be able to meet players from the other communities after the upcoming patch, we might as well do the same IRL (it's also easier to organise

Click here to vote! The poll will stay open 1 week and will close on next Friday (the 19th).
The date we have in mind for the IRL is mid-July. However, it could very easily change as the final date will depend on how long it will take to do the necessary polls and organise the IRL.
We already have some places in mind for where to hold the next IRL, but we're quite happy to look into any ideas that you might have for suitable venues. Post your thoughts if you think you have the perfect place.
Note for those who've never been to one of our IRLs: you can see pictures of the second IRL and also read the report letter of the first IRL in England, to get an idea of what's going on there.
