Meet the Guilds Night and Fashion Show!

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Re: Meet the Guilds Night and Fashion Show!

Post by fiadd »

jdiegel wrote:Ok, with that in mind, what do I have to do to lower my Tryker fame then...or any other civilization for that matter?
The various non-cuthroat tribes tend to give fame with the racial type of the tribe in addition to the tribe fame (example: the dead seed tribe in Maiden's Grove in Zorai lands give +matis fame in addition to dead seed fame when doing missions). I've never tested it, but I would guess you'd lose the same fame from killing the tribe members.
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Re: Meet the Guilds Night and Fashion Show!

Post by jdiegel »

Ah, so in order not to live in some Disney theme park singing "It's a Small World After All" all day, I have to slit Mickey Mouse's throat.
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Re: Meet the Guilds Night and Fashion Show!

Post by kayeffem »

there are tryker missions that will raise tryker fame and lower matis fame. You just need to find a tribe that will raise your standing with a faction and decrease your fame with tryker. I'd guess matis tribe.

The killing option would probly work as well.
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Re: Meet the Guilds Night and Fashion Show!

Post by cerest »

Way off-topic now. I'm closing this thread before it gets ugly.
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