Is this the end ?
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
Re: Is this the end ?
In the mist of Twilight I ran to may room and locked door behind me. Aqua was sitting on the couch wrapping a blue cloth around the top of the bottle.
"Here Brother this cloth has my blessing this should help the potion." Aqua said as he handed me the bottle it was now green.
Thank you wish me luck." I told her as I change to Pure Beast form. I pulled out my Thesos ticket and called on the Karavan teleporter.
In moments I was gone and next to the Thoses Karavan teleporter. The Welcomed me knowing very well you I was, he even wished me good luck. I set off not letting anything get in my way. I destoryed anything that got in my way with my Wind Pike. My long hair floated in my own mystical wind as i fought my way to town.
"Where is the house of a Fryos named Red?" I asked one of the guard in a firm voice.
"Um just go that way and take right." The guard stummble for words she was in shock, but before she ask who I was I was half way their.
"Don't worry that was just the Wind Guardian." A Fryos merchant told the guard as she packed up shop for the night.
The guard said nothing she just starred at the storm of dust behind me.
When i finaly found Redslayers house i sense more then two homins were inside. Not in the mood to try and figure out who I knock on the door three times. I heared nothing move for sometime so i decided to see if the door was unlocked, and it was.
I popped my head in and asked if anyone was awake, still nothing but something wasn't right. I quietly walked in and shut the door. The room was warm and calm but I didn't let my guard down. After alittle searching i found Jazirel sleeping not far from Red's bed and there was Arcana asleep was flute in her lap.
Bane and Drakfot weren't here so I began to meditate, before i fell to deep in I looked at the potion is was slowy turning blue, i sighed. It was still early so Drakfot and Bane had time, but I stayed in my beast form. Dont worry Drakfot , Bane I wont give Red the potion with out you, after I need everyone I can get. We just need to remember only to do it at night, don't to let it touch anyone else's lips and to put in his water or on his next meal.
"Here Brother this cloth has my blessing this should help the potion." Aqua said as he handed me the bottle it was now green.
Thank you wish me luck." I told her as I change to Pure Beast form. I pulled out my Thesos ticket and called on the Karavan teleporter.
In moments I was gone and next to the Thoses Karavan teleporter. The Welcomed me knowing very well you I was, he even wished me good luck. I set off not letting anything get in my way. I destoryed anything that got in my way with my Wind Pike. My long hair floated in my own mystical wind as i fought my way to town.
"Where is the house of a Fryos named Red?" I asked one of the guard in a firm voice.
"Um just go that way and take right." The guard stummble for words she was in shock, but before she ask who I was I was half way their.
"Don't worry that was just the Wind Guardian." A Fryos merchant told the guard as she packed up shop for the night.
The guard said nothing she just starred at the storm of dust behind me.
When i finaly found Redslayers house i sense more then two homins were inside. Not in the mood to try and figure out who I knock on the door three times. I heared nothing move for sometime so i decided to see if the door was unlocked, and it was.
I popped my head in and asked if anyone was awake, still nothing but something wasn't right. I quietly walked in and shut the door. The room was warm and calm but I didn't let my guard down. After alittle searching i found Jazirel sleeping not far from Red's bed and there was Arcana asleep was flute in her lap.
Bane and Drakfot weren't here so I began to meditate, before i fell to deep in I looked at the potion is was slowy turning blue, i sighed. It was still early so Drakfot and Bane had time, but I stayed in my beast form. Dont worry Drakfot , Bane I wont give Red the potion with out you, after I need everyone I can get. We just need to remember only to do it at night, don't to let it touch anyone else's lips and to put in his water or on his next meal.
Windra the Wind Guardian.
Brother of Aqua the Water Guardian, Sage of Atys.
I bound my spirit to Jen'Moda so I may always protect her.
May Jena and Ma-Duk watch over you.
Cin'Lone is my beloved wife.
Proud father of Win'Mara and Cin'Cathin.
Proud High Officer of The Sacred Circle of Guardian.
One of the Proud Leader's of the Sacred Wind Tribe.
Keeper of The Lost Tale.
I fell into a Holy War, but now I know the true Darkness as returned
Brother of Aqua the Water Guardian, Sage of Atys.
I bound my spirit to Jen'Moda so I may always protect her.
May Jena and Ma-Duk watch over you.
Cin'Lone is my beloved wife.
Proud father of Win'Mara and Cin'Cathin.
Proud High Officer of The Sacred Circle of Guardian.
One of the Proud Leader's of the Sacred Wind Tribe.
Keeper of The Lost Tale.
I fell into a Holy War, but now I know the true Darkness as returned
Re: Is this the end ?
As Arcana had played for a moment both she and Jazirel had fallen asleep in the room so Banestar and Drakfot decided to have a stroll outside in order to fill upp the supplies for them. Well outside they headed for the merchants in hope to find one whom had the desired items.
As they walked down the hill Banestar stopped and stared out into the horizon before tears started to fall down her cheeks.
"I am so scared, I dont know... what to do." She studdered out between her tears. "I did not want to show it... in the room in front of them all.. I wanted to be strong ... so they can be too."
"I understand my friend, we all feel as you do. Yet it must be such pain to see ones child on the brink of life." Drakfot said trying to comfort her, yet it was hard when she herself felt alike. "But do not fear he will be fine my friend, he will be fine."
As they walked down to the merchants a breeze of fresh air greeted them abd they both took a deep breath and continued.
As they approached the merchants they saw that all but one had closed for the day, but even though in these dark times they were blessed with some luck as this Homin had what they were in need of. They both silently gave thanks for this and returned to the house.
As they entered the house and the room Banestar stopped all of a sudden.
"Drakfot, there is someone new in here now...."
As they walked down the hill Banestar stopped and stared out into the horizon before tears started to fall down her cheeks.
"I am so scared, I dont know... what to do." She studdered out between her tears. "I did not want to show it... in the room in front of them all.. I wanted to be strong ... so they can be too."
"I understand my friend, we all feel as you do. Yet it must be such pain to see ones child on the brink of life." Drakfot said trying to comfort her, yet it was hard when she herself felt alike. "But do not fear he will be fine my friend, he will be fine."
As they walked down to the merchants a breeze of fresh air greeted them abd they both took a deep breath and continued.
As they approached the merchants they saw that all but one had closed for the day, but even though in these dark times they were blessed with some luck as this Homin had what they were in need of. They both silently gave thanks for this and returned to the house.
As they entered the house and the room Banestar stopped all of a sudden.
"Drakfot, there is someone new in here now...."
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Re: Is this the end ?
Scared Bane walked to where Red and others were dagger in her hand. Then she looked around she scream at what she saw. Drakfot ran as fast as she could to where Bane was and looked around to see what could possible make her scream.
In the center of the living couters was a male Tryker who's hair was so long it piled on the floor while he sat. He was still but his hair moved as if it was being blown by wind. Next to him lay a Tryker pike but it was a normal one, the blade was pure wind.
"Who are you, Red!" Bane screamed fearing the Tryker in white had killed Red.
"Gaw what's going on!" Arcana and Jazirel both yelled jumping to their feet.
"Who his he!?" Arcana and Jazirel both yelled backing up against the wall.
"Wait I know him, at least I think I do." Darkfot told them as she took a step towards the man.
"Drakfot stop!" Everyone yelled but Drakfot didn't stop till she was at the man were she kneelt and examined the man in white.
"A bandana, goggle, purple hair with beads, a tattoo the around each eye, a pendant with a living blue crystal, its Windra!" Drakfot replied in shock.
"Windra?" The others asked calming down.
"Huh oh I fell to deep into spirit again, Darkot you're here great where's Bane." I asked Drakfot with a warm smile.
Drakfot pointed behind her.
"Windra what the hell are you doing in here, do you like scaring me half death!" Bane boomed.
"Well sorry for caring I mean I'm not in this beast form for my health you, and I could of never asked the elemenatl spirits to get this!" I boomed back holding the bottle in my hands.
"The potion......Please give it to me please!" Jazirel cried running to be to get the potion. I raise my hand and cast a wind wall in front of her to stop her.
"It's not that easy, this potion will either cure Red or kill us and him." I told everyone tighting my grib on the bottle.
"Windra this is no time for jokes!" Bane cried.
"Windra isn't lieing, he told us that the potion works both ways it can heal or kill. That's what he told us in his letter." Drakfot siad in a low voice.
"Windra why do you look like that." Arcana asked me as I walked over to Reds's bed and drew a sacred circle around it with magic.
"It's the form that Aqua and I are forced to live with. It was either Pure or Darkness beast, so our past selves chose Pure when they did the banishment. Even tho its pure it can still take contol and do evil, so either way this beast is a blessing and a curse, but we have to take this form just like we must use our guardian magic, to get better control we must use them." I explained as I drew four small circles that attached to the one around the bed.
"Everyone take a circle." I told everyone as the rune lining began to glow white.
"Windra what are you doing." Jazirel asked.
"Here this glass is filled with spirit water I need all of you to bless it." I told them.
"Windra you said nothing of this in your letter." Arcana and Drkfot said.
"If this potion backfires you wont be die and neither will Red." I told them as we took our places.
"What's the catch." Bane asked with a brow raised as she handed me the cup.
"I'll die instead." I told them as i mixed the potion with the spirit water.
" Windra stop!" Everyone yelled they tried to stop me but the circles bond them.
"I've lived sense the beginning of homin life, we have put to many homins through pain and danger, time for us to repent. I explained as i walked over to Red's head.
"Windra no this cant be the way, please to many homins care about you, we care!" Bane cried tears felling.
"Please stop Bane this is my wish, please send as much love and happiness to Red as you can the rune circles with increase it.
Everyone stop and began to pray for Red as I gave Red the drink.
"Ma-Duk, Jena, Kami, Karavan I ask you all to send your blessing to Redslayer may the power of you, his loved ones, and the elements heal him." I chanted as Red slowly drank the potion.
Then a mist of all colors flowed from Red and the circles. Red began to breathe noramly and he even opened his eyes. I smiled back at him he wanst sure who I was but when he saw my bandana, goggle, tattoo and eyes he realized it was me.
When everyone saw Red's eyes open, his breathing return to normal, and my smile they all cheered.
"I'm glad you're ok Red I wouldn't let you die." I said as I grinned at Red. I even hugged him.
"Thank you Windra I knew you would help." Red told me.
I walked away so the others could hugged Red. I stummbled over to Drakfot as the rune circles died away.
"Drakfot, it didn't kill me but could you hold me, I dont have any energy left." I smiled at Drakfot before I fanted into her arms.
In the center of the living couters was a male Tryker who's hair was so long it piled on the floor while he sat. He was still but his hair moved as if it was being blown by wind. Next to him lay a Tryker pike but it was a normal one, the blade was pure wind.
"Who are you, Red!" Bane screamed fearing the Tryker in white had killed Red.
"Gaw what's going on!" Arcana and Jazirel both yelled jumping to their feet.
"Who his he!?" Arcana and Jazirel both yelled backing up against the wall.
"Wait I know him, at least I think I do." Darkfot told them as she took a step towards the man.
"Drakfot stop!" Everyone yelled but Drakfot didn't stop till she was at the man were she kneelt and examined the man in white.
"A bandana, goggle, purple hair with beads, a tattoo the around each eye, a pendant with a living blue crystal, its Windra!" Drakfot replied in shock.
"Windra?" The others asked calming down.
"Huh oh I fell to deep into spirit again, Darkot you're here great where's Bane." I asked Drakfot with a warm smile.
Drakfot pointed behind her.
"Windra what the hell are you doing in here, do you like scaring me half death!" Bane boomed.
"Well sorry for caring I mean I'm not in this beast form for my health you, and I could of never asked the elemenatl spirits to get this!" I boomed back holding the bottle in my hands.
"The potion......Please give it to me please!" Jazirel cried running to be to get the potion. I raise my hand and cast a wind wall in front of her to stop her.
"It's not that easy, this potion will either cure Red or kill us and him." I told everyone tighting my grib on the bottle.
"Windra this is no time for jokes!" Bane cried.
"Windra isn't lieing, he told us that the potion works both ways it can heal or kill. That's what he told us in his letter." Drakfot siad in a low voice.
"Windra why do you look like that." Arcana asked me as I walked over to Reds's bed and drew a sacred circle around it with magic.
"It's the form that Aqua and I are forced to live with. It was either Pure or Darkness beast, so our past selves chose Pure when they did the banishment. Even tho its pure it can still take contol and do evil, so either way this beast is a blessing and a curse, but we have to take this form just like we must use our guardian magic, to get better control we must use them." I explained as I drew four small circles that attached to the one around the bed.
"Everyone take a circle." I told everyone as the rune lining began to glow white.
"Windra what are you doing." Jazirel asked.
"Here this glass is filled with spirit water I need all of you to bless it." I told them.
"Windra you said nothing of this in your letter." Arcana and Drkfot said.
"If this potion backfires you wont be die and neither will Red." I told them as we took our places.
"What's the catch." Bane asked with a brow raised as she handed me the cup.
"I'll die instead." I told them as i mixed the potion with the spirit water.
" Windra stop!" Everyone yelled they tried to stop me but the circles bond them.
"I've lived sense the beginning of homin life, we have put to many homins through pain and danger, time for us to repent. I explained as i walked over to Red's head.
"Windra no this cant be the way, please to many homins care about you, we care!" Bane cried tears felling.
"Please stop Bane this is my wish, please send as much love and happiness to Red as you can the rune circles with increase it.
Everyone stop and began to pray for Red as I gave Red the drink.
"Ma-Duk, Jena, Kami, Karavan I ask you all to send your blessing to Redslayer may the power of you, his loved ones, and the elements heal him." I chanted as Red slowly drank the potion.
Then a mist of all colors flowed from Red and the circles. Red began to breathe noramly and he even opened his eyes. I smiled back at him he wanst sure who I was but when he saw my bandana, goggle, tattoo and eyes he realized it was me.
When everyone saw Red's eyes open, his breathing return to normal, and my smile they all cheered.
"I'm glad you're ok Red I wouldn't let you die." I said as I grinned at Red. I even hugged him.
"Thank you Windra I knew you would help." Red told me.
I walked away so the others could hugged Red. I stummbled over to Drakfot as the rune circles died away.
"Drakfot, it didn't kill me but could you hold me, I dont have any energy left." I smiled at Drakfot before I fanted into her arms.
Windra the Wind Guardian.
Brother of Aqua the Water Guardian, Sage of Atys.
I bound my spirit to Jen'Moda so I may always protect her.
May Jena and Ma-Duk watch over you.
Cin'Lone is my beloved wife.
Proud father of Win'Mara and Cin'Cathin.
Proud High Officer of The Sacred Circle of Guardian.
One of the Proud Leader's of the Sacred Wind Tribe.
Keeper of The Lost Tale.
I fell into a Holy War, but now I know the true Darkness as returned
Brother of Aqua the Water Guardian, Sage of Atys.
I bound my spirit to Jen'Moda so I may always protect her.
May Jena and Ma-Duk watch over you.
Cin'Lone is my beloved wife.
Proud father of Win'Mara and Cin'Cathin.
Proud High Officer of The Sacred Circle of Guardian.
One of the Proud Leader's of the Sacred Wind Tribe.
Keeper of The Lost Tale.
I fell into a Holy War, but now I know the true Darkness as returned
Re: Is this the end ?
As everyone hugs me Jaz points out a strange glow in the room ...Drakfot looks for a moment..."yes I see it,But what is it?" She asks...Suddenly Red sits up for a moment and looks across the room..past everyone...Jaz turns and looks "Oh my ...its ....its one of the kami (Sentenal)!!!" Drakfot yells "there a karavaneer aswll !"...As everyone steps aside the kami and karavan walk towards Red...I stare at them not saying a word...
Suddenly I smiles at them both .."Hello my friends how are you this day"
I say in a tired voice "I am fine this day Redslayer" the karavaneer says
"As am I" The kami says in a deep voice "It is good to see you well" the kami says.."it is good to be well" I say ..
"you know why we are here Red?" the karavaneer says
"No I do not"I say
"we are here to make sure you are ok,It is not yet time for you to leave us"The kami says
I look at the karavaneer"Why do the kara care if i live?"
The Karavaneer turns towards me clearly staring me in the eyes
"You may fight on the side of kami,But do not think we turn a blind eye to the help you give our followers..."
I stumble to my feet"why are you two here...Together ?"
Kami--"Red ...When a homin falls even we can set aside our differences.."
Kara--"Rest now Red,For you are not fully healed your body is still weak"
kami--"Red you help both kami and kara even tho you alliance is with us Kami ..You are a fine example of what the future may hold"the kami looks at the karavaneer....
kara--"yes oneday peace will return my friend...Even if you do not see this in life you will watchover in death"...As he turns and looks at the kami
Kami and kara then speak at the same time "it is time we will unleash your inner strength"
Me--"wha .."
kami and kara--"Do not worry..But we inform you this will not increase your outter strength"
Suddenly light fills the room as I begin to float ...An aura of bright white light fills the room...Drakfot,Banestar,Jazirel,Arcana and Windra all watch in amazment ...
As the light dims I ask ."why has my hair changed in color???"
Kami--"there is no need to worry myfriend..It is the unleashing of your power"
me--"is it permanant???"
kami--"heh we see homins change there looks daily..Red if you wish to change it you may it does not change anything"
Me--".....Ok I understand"
Kami--"it is time we go Red"
I bow to them both--"thank you"
kara--"there is no need to thank us..It is ...Your stregth"
I smile
kara--"you are well Red,but do not push yourself tomuch yet" I nod at him
kara--"Farewell Kami" kami--"goodbye" the kami looks at me"farewell Red besafe and rest"
As they leave ...everyone stands in complete silence...
I turn to face them ....
Jaz--"Red ...your hair and ...the markings on your face !"
Me--"yes I know my love"
Windra then walks to me--"I knew I felt a strange power in you my friend"
Me--"thank you for your help Windra,I owe you one"
Windra--"you owe me nothing Red"
I look at him and smile ...."Windra ,Drakfot,Arcana,Mom,Jaz.... you all mean so much to me thank you all so much"
Banestar--"Red ...If you ever scare me like that again ill kill you,you understand"
Jaz--"YEAH and ill help her !!"
Me--"ermm Yes mom and yes dear" Drak,Wind and arc all laugh at us...
Drakfot--"Red heed the words of the kami and karavan ...Rest my friend..We will keep you company"
Me--"thanks" I smile warmly at all..."LETS EAT !!!! man im starving"
Everyone laughs at me...Drakfot smiles..."yes we all readied a great meal for when you awakened"
me--"did Wind help cook"
Drakfot--"no why??"
Me--"ahh ok then its safe to eat !"
Windra--"Oh Bah Red !!!" as he hits me across my head
We all laugh..then prepare to eat....
Suddenly I smiles at them both .."Hello my friends how are you this day"
I say in a tired voice "I am fine this day Redslayer" the karavaneer says
"As am I" The kami says in a deep voice "It is good to see you well" the kami says.."it is good to be well" I say ..
"you know why we are here Red?" the karavaneer says
"No I do not"I say
"we are here to make sure you are ok,It is not yet time for you to leave us"The kami says
I look at the karavaneer"Why do the kara care if i live?"
The Karavaneer turns towards me clearly staring me in the eyes
"You may fight on the side of kami,But do not think we turn a blind eye to the help you give our followers..."
I stumble to my feet"why are you two here...Together ?"
Kami--"Red ...When a homin falls even we can set aside our differences.."
Kara--"Rest now Red,For you are not fully healed your body is still weak"
kami--"Red you help both kami and kara even tho you alliance is with us Kami ..You are a fine example of what the future may hold"the kami looks at the karavaneer....
kara--"yes oneday peace will return my friend...Even if you do not see this in life you will watchover in death"...As he turns and looks at the kami
Kami and kara then speak at the same time "it is time we will unleash your inner strength"
Me--"wha .."
kami and kara--"Do not worry..But we inform you this will not increase your outter strength"
Suddenly light fills the room as I begin to float ...An aura of bright white light fills the room...Drakfot,Banestar,Jazirel,Arcana and Windra all watch in amazment ...
As the light dims I ask ."why has my hair changed in color???"
Kami--"there is no need to worry myfriend..It is the unleashing of your power"
me--"is it permanant???"
kami--"heh we see homins change there looks daily..Red if you wish to change it you may it does not change anything"
Me--".....Ok I understand"
Kami--"it is time we go Red"
I bow to them both--"thank you"
kara--"there is no need to thank us..It is ...Your stregth"
I smile
kara--"you are well Red,but do not push yourself tomuch yet" I nod at him
kara--"Farewell Kami" kami--"goodbye" the kami looks at me"farewell Red besafe and rest"
As they leave ...everyone stands in complete silence...
I turn to face them ....
Jaz--"Red ...your hair and ...the markings on your face !"
Me--"yes I know my love"
Windra then walks to me--"I knew I felt a strange power in you my friend"
Me--"thank you for your help Windra,I owe you one"
Windra--"you owe me nothing Red"
I look at him and smile ...."Windra ,Drakfot,Arcana,Mom,Jaz.... you all mean so much to me thank you all so much"
Banestar--"Red ...If you ever scare me like that again ill kill you,you understand"
Jaz--"YEAH and ill help her !!"
Me--"ermm Yes mom and yes dear" Drak,Wind and arc all laugh at us...
Drakfot--"Red heed the words of the kami and karavan ...Rest my friend..We will keep you company"
Me--"thanks" I smile warmly at all..."LETS EAT !!!! man im starving"
Everyone laughs at me...Drakfot smiles..."yes we all readied a great meal for when you awakened"
me--"did Wind help cook"
Drakfot--"no why??"
Me--"ahh ok then its safe to eat !"
Windra--"Oh Bah Red !!!" as he hits me across my head
We all laugh..then prepare to eat....
Last edited by raven41 on Mon May 15, 2006 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: Is this the end ?
After eating i take a quick walk to the Kami TP and ask..."will my hair change back in time or ?" the Kami Responds "hehe I knew you would come Red..Your hair will remain this way for sometime do not worry it will change back once you learn to control your new power ...For the Yellow it is now is only the release of energy you cannot yet control"
Me-- " Ahh I see ... So once i gain controll my hair will return to black? ..But I could dye it before ?"
Kami--"Yed you could but..Why hide it ?"
Me--"you are right my friend"
Kami--"now go rest it is not time for you to walk yet"
me--"heh ...Ok seeya soon myfriend"
I head home and speak with Dakfot and Windra about what the kami told me....
Me-- " Ahh I see ... So once i gain controll my hair will return to black? ..But I could dye it before ?"
Kami--"Yed you could but..Why hide it ?"
Me--"you are right my friend"
Kami--"now go rest it is not time for you to walk yet"
me--"heh ...Ok seeya soon myfriend"
I head home and speak with Dakfot and Windra about what the kami told me....
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: Is this the end ?
Tho I'm not sure what happen i'll I was asleep I do rememebr the Kami and Karavan visit, not something you see everyday. After i whacked Red over the head for saying I cant cook we had dinner, well it was really high moon. The dinner was amazing meats, fruits, it was more like a feat then a dinner. Red took no time at all you start stuffing his face his everything.
"Thanks again Windra I......really owe you one." Red told me still stuffing his face.
"I told you owe me nothing I do what I can, can you please not speak with you mouth." I told Red as he swallowed a mouth full.
"Sorry" Red replied, I just laughed.
"What kind of meat is in this dinner?" Red asked.
"Oh a varity of meats, why?" Jazirel asked.
"Any fuzzy animals?" Red asked with a grin from ear to ear.
"Watch it." I told Red holding up a wind orb.
"Windra dont make me kill you again." Bane laughed as she whacked me on the head.
Everyone laughed.
"Feels so to have you back Red." Drakfot said with a warm smile.
"Aye." Arcana replied with a smile.
"Windra when I saw you looking down at me I thought you were someone else, why do you look like that?" Red asked before taking another bite of vorax meat.
So I told him all about my pastlife and the banishment of the dark ones and this I need to take this form to learn to control it just like my element.
"Wow that really amazing but why are still in the form?' Red asked.
"It's just like using it, if I stay in this form I learn to control it was well. I told him before i stuffed my face.
"Drafot I need to talk to you in private later, this inner strenght of Red is making me wonder." I told Drakfot when everyone was busy talking to Red.
Drakfot nodded.
We laughed and talked all through dinner, even made fun of Red's new look for a bit, but he got me back my making fun my my new look.
After dinner we washed all the dishes and decided to go get some cool night fresh air. Red took a walk to asked the Kami something. The town was queit and I decided this was the right time to talk to Drafot.
"Ok Windra no ones around what is it?" Drakfot asked a bit worried.
"Well when the Kami and Karavan I was very surprized but then they said its time to unleashe is inner strenght it hit me." I explained to Drakfot.
"You see only two of the element guardains have awaken, and seven of them haveny awaken yet. I think Red may be the rebirth of La'Beka Fighter Guardian." I told Drakfot trying not to yell.
"It would make sense Red's strenght, his bravory, but why now?" Drakfot asked.
"I'm not sure but I'm going to stay here till he has fullied recovered, I'll send a letter to Aqua before i go to bed. Drakfot after what has just happened I have decied to lay down my arms and stop fighting the Kami, tho I will remane a follower of Jena. I will only fight the Kami if I must." I explain to Darfot.
"Windra that is, well I'm not sure what to say." Drafot replied at a loss for words.
"It's time I did what my pastives did, dont fight the Kami but the true enemy the Kittin and any drakness the threatnes Atys." I replied.
"That's very honorable of you Windra, look Red is back, I think we should get some sleep." Drakfot said pointing at a figure in the distance, it was Redslayer.
"Aye." I repliead as Red walked up to us.
"Good news Red I'll be staying with you till you fully recover, if thats ok?" I told Red with a smile.
"Sure." Red replied with a smile.
Drakfot and I both smiled.
With that we all walked inside.
"Thanks again Windra I......really owe you one." Red told me still stuffing his face.
"I told you owe me nothing I do what I can, can you please not speak with you mouth." I told Red as he swallowed a mouth full.
"Sorry" Red replied, I just laughed.
"What kind of meat is in this dinner?" Red asked.
"Oh a varity of meats, why?" Jazirel asked.
"Any fuzzy animals?" Red asked with a grin from ear to ear.
"Watch it." I told Red holding up a wind orb.
"Windra dont make me kill you again." Bane laughed as she whacked me on the head.
Everyone laughed.
"Feels so to have you back Red." Drakfot said with a warm smile.
"Aye." Arcana replied with a smile.
"Windra when I saw you looking down at me I thought you were someone else, why do you look like that?" Red asked before taking another bite of vorax meat.
So I told him all about my pastlife and the banishment of the dark ones and this I need to take this form to learn to control it just like my element.
"Wow that really amazing but why are still in the form?' Red asked.
"It's just like using it, if I stay in this form I learn to control it was well. I told him before i stuffed my face.
"Drafot I need to talk to you in private later, this inner strenght of Red is making me wonder." I told Drakfot when everyone was busy talking to Red.
Drakfot nodded.
We laughed and talked all through dinner, even made fun of Red's new look for a bit, but he got me back my making fun my my new look.
After dinner we washed all the dishes and decided to go get some cool night fresh air. Red took a walk to asked the Kami something. The town was queit and I decided this was the right time to talk to Drafot.
"Ok Windra no ones around what is it?" Drakfot asked a bit worried.
"Well when the Kami and Karavan I was very surprized but then they said its time to unleashe is inner strenght it hit me." I explained to Drakfot.
"You see only two of the element guardains have awaken, and seven of them haveny awaken yet. I think Red may be the rebirth of La'Beka Fighter Guardian." I told Drakfot trying not to yell.
"It would make sense Red's strenght, his bravory, but why now?" Drakfot asked.
"I'm not sure but I'm going to stay here till he has fullied recovered, I'll send a letter to Aqua before i go to bed. Drakfot after what has just happened I have decied to lay down my arms and stop fighting the Kami, tho I will remane a follower of Jena. I will only fight the Kami if I must." I explain to Darfot.
"Windra that is, well I'm not sure what to say." Drafot replied at a loss for words.
"It's time I did what my pastives did, dont fight the Kami but the true enemy the Kittin and any drakness the threatnes Atys." I replied.
"That's very honorable of you Windra, look Red is back, I think we should get some sleep." Drakfot said pointing at a figure in the distance, it was Redslayer.
"Aye." I repliead as Red walked up to us.
"Good news Red I'll be staying with you till you fully recover, if thats ok?" I told Red with a smile.
"Sure." Red replied with a smile.
Drakfot and I both smiled.
With that we all walked inside.
Windra the Wind Guardian.
Brother of Aqua the Water Guardian, Sage of Atys.
I bound my spirit to Jen'Moda so I may always protect her.
May Jena and Ma-Duk watch over you.
Cin'Lone is my beloved wife.
Proud father of Win'Mara and Cin'Cathin.
Proud High Officer of The Sacred Circle of Guardian.
One of the Proud Leader's of the Sacred Wind Tribe.
Keeper of The Lost Tale.
I fell into a Holy War, but now I know the true Darkness as returned
Brother of Aqua the Water Guardian, Sage of Atys.
I bound my spirit to Jen'Moda so I may always protect her.
May Jena and Ma-Duk watch over you.
Cin'Lone is my beloved wife.
Proud father of Win'Mara and Cin'Cathin.
Proud High Officer of The Sacred Circle of Guardian.
One of the Proud Leader's of the Sacred Wind Tribe.
Keeper of The Lost Tale.
I fell into a Holy War, but now I know the true Darkness as returned
Time to go
As I walk outside...I am met by a strange person .....
Me--"who are you!"
Strange person--"you know who I am Red"
Strange person--"how have you been all these years"
Me--"besides almost dying?..fine"
Strange person--"heh you will never change you know"
Me--"ofcourse not" *smirks*
Strange person--"you have grown much stronger since I last seen you"
Me--"Yes..So what do you want...Fei"
Fei--"HA I was wondering if you remembered my name"
Me--"heh yeah I do ..I still think its a womans name"
Fei--"hahahaha..And Redslayer is better?"
Me--"hahaha yes atleast its a guys name"
Fei--"heh know why im here?"
Me--"Is it time already?"
Fei--"you have been here for quite some time"
Me--"Can I come back?"
Fei--"Ofcourse this shouldn't take long"
Me--"what about ..."*is interupted*
Fei--"You love her eh? never saw you as a softy haha"
Me--"....Call me what you want"
Fei--"you know im kidding Red...She can come too"
Fei--"Yes Red"
Me--"So how do we get where we are going?"
Fei--"We will TP to Prime Roots there is a hiddin entrance I know of...It leads to a Portal that I was able to open"
Me--"wow you can open portals?"
Fei--"its very hard ..but yes"
Me--"thats awsome ...Well lets go so I can get back!"
I go inside I look at all my friends .....
Me--"Guys...Im leaving"
Me--"Don't worry my love you can come too ..If you will come with me?"
Jaz--"yes ofcourse"
Windra--"RED where will you go?"
Drakfot--"Yes Red where?"
Banestar--"I think I know ...."
Me--"Im going back my old home.."
Windra--"oh...will you ever come back?"
Me--"yes as soon as I find my path"
Drakfot--"Red ...My friend..Be safe"
Me--"I will My old friend I will.....Its time for me to go"
Arcana--"Red ....Where is your old home??"
Me--"In a place long fogoten...It was my home before kitin destroyed it.. Fei got me from there to the Refugee Island of the Fyros lands"
Arcana--"Red ...How old are you?"
Me--"older then you might think...I'll leave it at that"*I look at windra*"I think someone here has some idea"
Arcana--"Fair enough...But will it be safe in your old home???"
Me--"no not at all but ...we will be fine ...there is less drain there"
Arcana--"what do you mean"
Me--"I will not lose as much energy from casting"
Arcana--"wow ...well goodluck Red"
Me--"thank you...I really must go now Farewell my friends ...Mom...I will miss you I love you..Jaz my love lets go"
Jaz--"ok Red"
Tears fill the eyes of Banestar and then everyone else in the me and Jaz head I walk out the door....Windra says--"Good luck Red,you will find your way back to us my friend"
Me--"I will".........................
Me--"who are you!"
Strange person--"you know who I am Red"
Strange person--"how have you been all these years"
Me--"besides almost dying?..fine"
Strange person--"heh you will never change you know"
Me--"ofcourse not" *smirks*
Strange person--"you have grown much stronger since I last seen you"
Me--"Yes..So what do you want...Fei"
Fei--"HA I was wondering if you remembered my name"
Me--"heh yeah I do ..I still think its a womans name"
Fei--"hahahaha..And Redslayer is better?"
Me--"hahaha yes atleast its a guys name"
Fei--"heh know why im here?"
Me--"Is it time already?"
Fei--"you have been here for quite some time"
Me--"Can I come back?"
Fei--"Ofcourse this shouldn't take long"
Me--"what about ..."*is interupted*
Fei--"You love her eh? never saw you as a softy haha"
Me--"....Call me what you want"
Fei--"you know im kidding Red...She can come too"
Fei--"Yes Red"
Me--"So how do we get where we are going?"
Fei--"We will TP to Prime Roots there is a hiddin entrance I know of...It leads to a Portal that I was able to open"
Me--"wow you can open portals?"
Fei--"its very hard ..but yes"
Me--"thats awsome ...Well lets go so I can get back!"
I go inside I look at all my friends .....
Me--"Guys...Im leaving"
Me--"Don't worry my love you can come too ..If you will come with me?"
Jaz--"yes ofcourse"
Windra--"RED where will you go?"
Drakfot--"Yes Red where?"
Banestar--"I think I know ...."
Me--"Im going back my old home.."
Windra--"oh...will you ever come back?"
Me--"yes as soon as I find my path"
Drakfot--"Red ...My friend..Be safe"
Me--"I will My old friend I will.....Its time for me to go"
Arcana--"Red ....Where is your old home??"
Me--"In a place long fogoten...It was my home before kitin destroyed it.. Fei got me from there to the Refugee Island of the Fyros lands"
Arcana--"Red ...How old are you?"
Me--"older then you might think...I'll leave it at that"*I look at windra*"I think someone here has some idea"
Arcana--"Fair enough...But will it be safe in your old home???"
Me--"no not at all but ...we will be fine ...there is less drain there"
Arcana--"what do you mean"
Me--"I will not lose as much energy from casting"
Arcana--"wow ...well goodluck Red"
Me--"thank you...I really must go now Farewell my friends ...Mom...I will miss you I love you..Jaz my love lets go"
Jaz--"ok Red"
Tears fill the eyes of Banestar and then everyone else in the me and Jaz head I walk out the door....Windra says--"Good luck Red,you will find your way back to us my friend"
Me--"I will".........................
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: Is this the end ?
There had been quite the stir recently as many things had happened one after the other in a fast pace. Windra had some to them in a form which Drakfot had not seen before, yet reading of his past life she somehow would remember it appearing like this.
There had been many in there at the same time that it had all turned into a crowd, still it was as if things happened the time moved along with its usual slow pace. And there was also this thing which Windra had told her as they had walked aside. It seems as the history of those set out to guard was growing more complicated as it unfolds. Another thing was that if this were such important histpry, why was it hidden from the scrolls of knowledge ? But then there were only the few whom was enlightened with such task and perhaps their history was the heritage for them to leave behind.
She was sitting on her chair in the corner looking at everyone in the room as she was pondering what had happened in the span of just a few days. Redslayer was well again, in fact it seemed as he had gone through some changes which had held him here, still changed him in ways hard to put into words. He was smiling more happily now, even if he had always smiled with his entire heart the smiles she had now seen told her that there was something more, something great, behind it. He was still the same, but yet so different and changed. He was alive and that was the important thing.
She decided not to question the happenings of Windra or the Kami and Karavan convoy whom had greetted Redslayer as he had woken again. It was happenings of time and something to pass into the knowledge of history. Perhaps one day she would be able to understand it, but for now it was the events which was needed to bring him back again.
Banestar was still crying from it all. She had hard a really hard time first seeing her son being ripped away floating in a place where one is not dear nor alive. She had been so worried but she would not have shown it to them in fright of being weak. Then as he had awoken again she had been so happy and thankful seeing him again, yet for to loosing him again. This must have been a hard push for any parent. Yet they both knew that this time he was not to be harmed again, he was not lost as his spirit still roamed the lands of Atys. He was in search for his old past. To better know himself in order to become the one he truly is in this time. Banestar had told Drakfot this, and that she did not see sorrow in this, but hope.
Even though they all were in the room, alone as Redslayer and Jazirel had already left them, they were not sad. They were thankful for all that had happened and could look at it and smile. It was as some sorrows had been lifted, but they all knew that even if it was well now the thoughts of Redslayer would sometimes be as sadness to them when they realize that he was not around as usual. It was nothing bad, it was something sad that had turned into something better then anyone could expect, so it was all good as they sat there silent thinking of what had just happened.
"So... uhmm.. anyone want that last Izam wing?" Windra asked.
There had been many in there at the same time that it had all turned into a crowd, still it was as if things happened the time moved along with its usual slow pace. And there was also this thing which Windra had told her as they had walked aside. It seems as the history of those set out to guard was growing more complicated as it unfolds. Another thing was that if this were such important histpry, why was it hidden from the scrolls of knowledge ? But then there were only the few whom was enlightened with such task and perhaps their history was the heritage for them to leave behind.
She was sitting on her chair in the corner looking at everyone in the room as she was pondering what had happened in the span of just a few days. Redslayer was well again, in fact it seemed as he had gone through some changes which had held him here, still changed him in ways hard to put into words. He was smiling more happily now, even if he had always smiled with his entire heart the smiles she had now seen told her that there was something more, something great, behind it. He was still the same, but yet so different and changed. He was alive and that was the important thing.
She decided not to question the happenings of Windra or the Kami and Karavan convoy whom had greetted Redslayer as he had woken again. It was happenings of time and something to pass into the knowledge of history. Perhaps one day she would be able to understand it, but for now it was the events which was needed to bring him back again.
Banestar was still crying from it all. She had hard a really hard time first seeing her son being ripped away floating in a place where one is not dear nor alive. She had been so worried but she would not have shown it to them in fright of being weak. Then as he had awoken again she had been so happy and thankful seeing him again, yet for to loosing him again. This must have been a hard push for any parent. Yet they both knew that this time he was not to be harmed again, he was not lost as his spirit still roamed the lands of Atys. He was in search for his old past. To better know himself in order to become the one he truly is in this time. Banestar had told Drakfot this, and that she did not see sorrow in this, but hope.
Even though they all were in the room, alone as Redslayer and Jazirel had already left them, they were not sad. They were thankful for all that had happened and could look at it and smile. It was as some sorrows had been lifted, but they all knew that even if it was well now the thoughts of Redslayer would sometimes be as sadness to them when they realize that he was not around as usual. It was nothing bad, it was something sad that had turned into something better then anyone could expect, so it was all good as they sat there silent thinking of what had just happened.
"So... uhmm.. anyone want that last Izam wing?" Windra asked.
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Re: Is this the end ?
I sudenly walk back in the room after a few weeks ...and say ...
Me--"hey guys ...."in a very depressed way
Drakfot--"whats wrong ??"
Me--"*sigh* My love ...It seems she has left ..."
Drakfot--"WHAT !?! is she ok??"
Me--"she is fine ... but ... she is gone ..."
Me--"I don't want to talk about it ... Its time to return to my home"
Windra--"ok red ...Welcome home then..."
Me--" thanks ...."
As I wonder outside I stare silently out over the horizon...."I will miss you Jaz ..." *a tear drops from my eye*
my mom (Banestar) comes out to me and says...
Mom--"Red will be ok ... She may return to you ...and if not will find another in time"
Me--"perhaps you are right ...But ...What if I don't want another ..."
Mom--"Then wait ...She will come back to you one day Red..."
Me--"I hope your right ..." I look up at the sky and mumble some words ....
Mom--"it will be ok Red ..."
Me--*sigh*"Its time to go...Tho half of me is missing the other half must continue"
I walk into my house and grab my things ....
Me--"Im moving I can't stay here without Jaz...When I find a new home ill let you all know"
Windra--"Ok Red"
Drakfot--"ok...Im sorry Red"
Mom--"ok Red ...Becareful"
Arcana--"Yes red be careful"
Me--" I will be thanks guys ...thanks for everything ..."
I turn to walk out ... Me--"Ill be staying in my old home in pry for awhile ...atleast its closer to my storage room(ingame apt)...atleast till i find a new home"
Everyone--"ok Red"
I walk out and head to Pyr head hanging low................
(ooc)---[edit cleaning up]...Most was made from all of the posters here without any contact other then whats in the post ..*this was going to be last post*
~Redslayer Fighter Guardian~
Me--"hey guys ...."in a very depressed way
Drakfot--"whats wrong ??"
Me--"*sigh* My love ...It seems she has left ..."
Drakfot--"WHAT !?! is she ok??"
Me--"she is fine ... but ... she is gone ..."
Me--"I don't want to talk about it ... Its time to return to my home"
Windra--"ok red ...Welcome home then..."
Me--" thanks ...."
As I wonder outside I stare silently out over the horizon...."I will miss you Jaz ..." *a tear drops from my eye*
my mom (Banestar) comes out to me and says...
Mom--"Red will be ok ... She may return to you ...and if not will find another in time"
Me--"perhaps you are right ...But ...What if I don't want another ..."
Mom--"Then wait ...She will come back to you one day Red..."
Me--"I hope your right ..." I look up at the sky and mumble some words ....
Mom--"it will be ok Red ..."
Me--*sigh*"Its time to go...Tho half of me is missing the other half must continue"
I walk into my house and grab my things ....
Me--"Im moving I can't stay here without Jaz...When I find a new home ill let you all know"
Windra--"Ok Red"
Drakfot--"ok...Im sorry Red"
Mom--"ok Red ...Becareful"
Arcana--"Yes red be careful"
Me--" I will be thanks guys ...thanks for everything ..."
I turn to walk out ... Me--"Ill be staying in my old home in pry for awhile ...atleast its closer to my storage room(ingame apt)...atleast till i find a new home"
Everyone--"ok Red"
I walk out and head to Pyr head hanging low................
(ooc)---[edit cleaning up]...Most was made from all of the posters here without any contact other then whats in the post ..*this was going to be last post*
~Redslayer Fighter Guardian~
Last edited by raven41 on Wed May 10, 2006 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: cleaning up OOC stuff some since it changed
Reason: cleaning up OOC stuff some since it changed
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: Is this the end ?
OOC: I hate to post an OOC comment and ruin what you guys have written. I just want to say that I've enjoyed reading the story and hope you continue. It is refreshing to see more RP on the forums and not the usual nonsense that has occupied our attention in the past. Please continue. 

~* Trixie Seiren *~
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
Trixie's Comic Book Series
The Sirens of Atys|The New Beginning|CSR Interviews

Trixie's Comic Book Series
The Sirens of Atys|The New Beginning|CSR Interviews