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The Ultimate Treasure Hunt !!!
On this treasure hunt you will be required to find some of the more obscure items in the lands. Non-craftable mats also have their own classes (plain, prime, magnificent, superb). You will be required to find (and give for proof and destruction) all of the items in the contest for the prize. There will be only one grand prize to the first Homin to find all 20 materials.
The Grand Prize !!!
A Q120 Top Quality Matis Pike for 21 of 21 Treasures Found !
2nd Place - A Q100 Top Quality Weapon of Choice
(3 winners - 18 of 21 treasures found)
3rd Place - Q100 Matis Modi Light Armor with +50 HP Bonus
(5 winners - 15 of 21 treasures found)
1. Materials that are listed in different classes must be found in each class (quality). Materials that do not have more than one may be any quality to apply
2. Materials must be given up (to be destroyed) to receive any prize for completion, if you cash in for third place prize you will need a second series of materials to receive a second place prize or the grand prize. If you wait until you qualify for the grand/2nd prize you automatically recieve the lower prizes.
3. The Grand Prize winner will has the option of upgrading his 3rd prize to Heavy Armor by cashing in the 2nd prize weapon if a lower level weapon is not desired.
4. 2nd prize winners will also receive the third place prize which is not counted as a 3rd place winner, it is a bonus. There "may" be the ability to request different colors on the armor if available, if not the default is blue. All prizes may take up to 3 days to be made and transferred to the player by DoubleTap. Due to storage restrictions it may not be possible to have all the armor sets stored, but the Grand Prize will be is completed as displayed and will be available immediately. Depending on the length of time taken for someone to find all 20 treasures, a higher level weapon may be available. The Grand Prize will be comparable to the best weapon we can provide at the time of completion (currently Q120).
5. Due to the nature of this contest, there is no time limit... Finding these treasures will take time. As the prizes are awarded this thread will be updated...
This contest is solely the efforts of me, DoubleTap. All Melinoe members are able to compete in this contest and encouraged to find the treasures throughout Atys. When you meet any of the criteria for a prize send me a /tell in the game (or email to doubletap@twazz.net or send me a PM on the http://ryzom.twazz.net website) to arrange a turn in of your materials. If you are not in an area close by me, I ask for your patience as I death port/teleport around the world of Atys to link up. There will be only 1 Grand Prize winner and salute the winner in advance. I merely had to find random mission mats to make this contest workable, the GPW will have to find the specific materials I did which is more difficult.
Click here to join Melinoe
Ultimate Harvesting Guide
Melinoe - Atys Harvesters
[This forum does not allow graphic images, for the complete challenge info visit : http://ryzom.twazz.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=1133#1133]
You want an uber weapon, take the challenge !
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