You've echoed what I've been trying to emphasise in your post - basically the question to Nevrax, of what their true intention is with the points system. I want to keep repeating the bits about needing new players, but I feel I'm accusing Nevrax of being sneaky or something, or just coming across as negative - when the intention is completely the opposite. It's not the intention to play on the fact that Nevrax have difficult financial conditions, but to keep repeating the fact that R2 IS UNIQUE - no MMO provides this kind of tool with so much power, it is usually reserved for offline games, or online games with simpler mechanics (RTS). R2 is a massive step forward for Ryzom, it's players, and indeed the MMO community. Most MMO players haven't even heard of Ryzom (this I can verify from experience in other communities), and R2 is the key to introducing fresh faces to Atys.
Again, I totally agree with the "keys to the castle" theory - there are so many R2-hungry players here in the community *already*, and that means scenarios will come thick and fast. That's what the new players need - to see Ryzom, and to see what is possible with R2 when they reach a certain level of competence with the tool.
Please Nevrax, give Noin your telephone number

I think your idea about modelled items is great too - I don't know how many modellers we have in the community, but we certainly have plenty of 2D artists for texturing/skinning. And there are plenty of free 3D modelling programs out there, no need for 3D Studio MAX unless you have it already *cough*