oldmess wrote:3. faction aligned players that do not like OPEN pvp: Can't tp into regions controlled by opposing side, but get not benefits when in regions controlled by their side? Doesn't quite seem balanced.
but what do you suggest then ? (just some thoughts that it's kinda complicated)
non-PvP faction aligned player can enjoy the benefits while not doing nothing for it (being PvP flaged) ?
yeah, it suxs, but according to initial spire document, there is different kind of spires...
ie, one for HP regen, one for SAP regen, etc. if 2 areas with spire in them are linked, then spire effect is shared.. so, 3 areas with HP/SAP/STAM regen spires got linked, you get 3 benefits all at once in those areas.
that is huge benefit (maybe not regen, but other type of spires maybe) which should require more than simple rite.
yep, to get benefits, you are forced to PvP (turning tag on, open to attacks).
and for tp loss... how do you want to explain "PvP tagged player cant use tp, but non-PvP tagged can" ?
yep, you are punished for not to pvp (turning tag on, open to attacks).
now, neutral players... they get tp ability, but dont get bonuses. but why ? they also dont do anything for it.
like i said, a bit complicated

any suggestions how to handle it ?