1. My guild (AoP) is planning on doing some travelling. We would like to Visit another land, we are matis based. How does travel work? I suspect there maybe a portal in the Virginia Waterfall in the North? If so where does it go? Is their a portal in the south or Fleeting gardens maybe? (The south has much easier mobs )
2. Teleport tickets. What are they? How do they work? I have seen the Karavan death spawn person sell them in Yrkanis, if i buy one, is it just a one way ticket to that spawn, or does it mean i can always choose to spawn there whenever i want? If we visit another race can we activate some kind of teleport, so that we can get back ther without trying 50 or 60 times agiain?
3. Guild Hall's, What are the 4 teleport in the Guild hall for? How do we upgrade the guild hall, Furniture, get trainers in there etc. Where are the oupost officers, i hear we need one to do guild quests now we have a guild hall.
Some Questions..
Re: Some Questions..
1. There is a connections map here although it is a bit out of date:
2. You buy teleport tickets and they allow you to teleport back to where you bought them from. To use right click on it and 'Use Teleport'. They are one use each.
Spawn points are different from Teleport Tickets although on some occassions they go to the same place.
2. You buy teleport tickets and they allow you to teleport back to where you bought them from. To use right click on it and 'Use Teleport'. They are one use each.
Spawn points are different from Teleport Tickets although on some occassions they go to the same place.
Aedan Artisans
Aedan Artisans