*Clouds of dust poof as Servy shoves NB into the corner* OUTTA MY WAY!
*cough* *in a sweet voice* Trixie! so happy to see you again! i'd love to play host for your next event! Finally convinced Ser NB to bring me my outfit from the wash *NB mutters darkly in the background and winces at a glare from Servy* *sweet smile* Thanks to Mioette, i'm all set and ready to get started on my Trek to Thesos/Pyr!
OOC: To richky, Two things - 1) Servy created "The Rogue Chefs" guild, and would be happy to have you join!
2) Servy is in Matis -Yrkanis- and either we can meet up in Pyr, or you can make yourself a young matis lord to meet up with Servy in Yrk - either way its all good (both ways have a possibility to come out FUN - either a high and mighty Matis Lady and a shabby Tryker Chef - or a Two-homin Matis duo!)
any others that wish to RP with us PLEASE dont hesitate, this'll be a blast with a full-fledged Catering Company!
Servy has her outfit all set-up -

looks very stunning if i do say so myself XD
EDIT:: Richky - if your interested in joining the guild - post a reply to "RP Guild, The Roge Chefs" in "The Saga -> Roleplaying ->" (stands for all others too)