First of I realise I what I say might not matter to most people, after all my guild is not very well known and we are all newbies.
But I still think I should be heard on this matter. It has not passed my guild that we might want to own a OP one day, but as a guild of players all below 110 *so far* we have very little chance if this. The real problem is almost one that follows that evil patten of the rich getting richer. I'll explain: Now I use my guild as a example only (read below as to what i mean), we as low lvl players just can't challange a larger guild with many members well above us in lvls. But the only real way for us to "catch" up to these guilds are via crystals... the very same ones they are able to mine each and every day. Now this means to get these crystals we would need to take an OP, but wait.. to get a OP we need to be higher lvl.. but wait.. we just can't lvl them fast enough... will take months b4 we can even think about putting together a force that might have a small chance of taking a OP.
So as you can see the higher guilds just get higher faster and better, while the lower guilds are just left behind. I personally don't have a problem with this, I have never asked for free crystals from anyone.. and I think I only offered to buy some from TW (who were unable to at the time, which i totally understand Rushin
) but my point is, I can see why others are angry, I mean the rich getting richer might be ok in the Real World.. but on atys? I dunno about you. But I thought we had a different community than that? I might be mistaking though.
My guild has no "real" allies as such.. we are not Kami yet nor Kara, altho we plan to be Kami at some point. The fact is, we are willing to fight for a OP (when we are finially ready) but unless it's a real GvG fight.. we have no chance. I mean we don't expect to win the fight even if it's a GvG but it would be nice to actually have a chance.
We have been lucky i should say.. some of our members have been given crystals but kind homins, and even kindle has given us some stacks of q50 crystals for our really new members (thx alot kindle) but to be honest it's not really enough.
Now you might say.. what are you offering.. well again i have not asked anyone for crystals apart from TW and then well we only had dappers to offer.. lets face it..we are a low guild.. best mats we can pull now is q80 i believe (with a few guys getting q60 currently) and no exc or suprem mats.. so we don't have much to offer.. and yet.. are we not allowed to trade too? because dappers are not seen as "tradable" goods as of late.
So what should a guild like mine do?
We could go and make alliances.. but for the most part it would be one way.. they would be helping us much more than we could help them (as hard as we might try) so the benefits for them is not great.. and I don't want my guild to be the one that takes and not gives... so until we are as strong.. we can't alline ourselves with anyone. Leaving us in the middle.. but still able to fight for a OP if it's only GvG *but this doesn't happen :/ *
All I'm going to say at the end is... don't worry we the Fist are not after people to get things from.. I'm just saying i can see the reasons for anger from some people.. and just wanted to point out the view we have too.
I think if the battles were more GvG and the OPs did change hands now and again... i would have more faith in the system.. and more poeple would be happy i think.
Anyway just my thoughts on the subject
/enable flame shield