There was a little cute trykker named Ganor, Ganor traveled too the two great citys of Atys Pyr, Yrkanis. and was born in Fair Haven, He is Karavan and Ganor was a curious little trykker, He allwes wander's around and what a little nomad he is. The End. : )boinged wrote:So you think you've got what it takes to be accepted for Rashan's Recruits?
Well here's your first task: tell me about yourself and your background. You didn't think I'd let just anyone take part did you?
(OOC: write your RP background here, including your character name so I know who to contact ingame. It doesn't have to be too long, don't worry if your English isn't great or you're not a heavy RPer. But make sure you write something)
You ugly sand-maggots!
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
At the age of 7 I was found watching over the bodies of my dead parents by a Fyros trader by the name of Oric L'antrose.
From that day Oric treated me as his own son and I could not have wished for a greater father. As for that day I had no recollection of how I ended up surviving the slaughter or for that matter who the murderers had been.
As time passed I never thought about the events of that day, I shut it out, locked it away in a dark corner of my mind. I was happy with my life with Oric, travelling the trade routes, listening to my adopted father telling me great tales of mighty Fyrosiens and battles, how great the Empire had been before the evil Kitins had invaded.
Then the dreams started... haunting me. Screams, shouting, panic, fear, faces I did not recognise, people I'd never met but seemed to feel sadness for.
As the months went by my dreams started to form into a story, my story, my
past. It was as if sleep itself was unlocking visions I had kept hidden away for so long. The fate of my parents became clear. The raid, the rape of my mother and eventual slaying, the torture of my father. I had witnessed it all after my mother had hidden me out of sight. My memory recalled how I stopped my self breathing, so terrified I was at being found by the Matis bandits. The dreams also unlocked an rage in me, a force I had never before felt, a force that if left would have destroyed me.
But slowly I learnt to control the anger these dreams had unleashed in me. With Oric's help and support he taught me to use my rage, to harness its raw power, to channel my anger and control it. Over time I learnt to master it and focus it more and more. Until the day my father, my friend, my savior died...
That was not so long ago, I was alone again so I chose to find my place in this world, to seek out a new life and maybe a new family to fill the space Oric had left. Thats when I ended up in Pyr, and thats when I met Jyudas.. Or he met me! lol. At first I thought he was one of those con men, the type that would "sell you a three legged Mektoub if you wasn't careful" as Oric would often tell me. But I listened as he told me about the Samsara Guild; about their views and belief's, then I met Rashan! I had heard so many rumors about him but they were pushed aside when he spoke, this fyros commanded respect and I wasn't about to argue with that. Then I met Ana Basin who's inner beauty is only matched by her outer beauty, who took me on a small guided tour and told me a lot of things I had not know and gave me help... and then I met Sullik who has treated me with so much kindness I am at a loss for words. I will never forget their generosity, in this world or the next.
As for The Samsara as a whole, I believe I may have finally found my family...
From that day Oric treated me as his own son and I could not have wished for a greater father. As for that day I had no recollection of how I ended up surviving the slaughter or for that matter who the murderers had been.
As time passed I never thought about the events of that day, I shut it out, locked it away in a dark corner of my mind. I was happy with my life with Oric, travelling the trade routes, listening to my adopted father telling me great tales of mighty Fyrosiens and battles, how great the Empire had been before the evil Kitins had invaded.
Then the dreams started... haunting me. Screams, shouting, panic, fear, faces I did not recognise, people I'd never met but seemed to feel sadness for.
As the months went by my dreams started to form into a story, my story, my
past. It was as if sleep itself was unlocking visions I had kept hidden away for so long. The fate of my parents became clear. The raid, the rape of my mother and eventual slaying, the torture of my father. I had witnessed it all after my mother had hidden me out of sight. My memory recalled how I stopped my self breathing, so terrified I was at being found by the Matis bandits. The dreams also unlocked an rage in me, a force I had never before felt, a force that if left would have destroyed me.
But slowly I learnt to control the anger these dreams had unleashed in me. With Oric's help and support he taught me to use my rage, to harness its raw power, to channel my anger and control it. Over time I learnt to master it and focus it more and more. Until the day my father, my friend, my savior died...
That was not so long ago, I was alone again so I chose to find my place in this world, to seek out a new life and maybe a new family to fill the space Oric had left. Thats when I ended up in Pyr, and thats when I met Jyudas.. Or he met me! lol. At first I thought he was one of those con men, the type that would "sell you a three legged Mektoub if you wasn't careful" as Oric would often tell me. But I listened as he told me about the Samsara Guild; about their views and belief's, then I met Rashan! I had heard so many rumors about him but they were pushed aside when he spoke, this fyros commanded respect and I wasn't about to argue with that. Then I met Ana Basin who's inner beauty is only matched by her outer beauty, who took me on a small guided tour and told me a lot of things I had not know and gave me help... and then I met Sullik who has treated me with so much kindness I am at a loss for words. I will never forget their generosity, in this world or the next.
As for The Samsara as a whole, I believe I may have finally found my family...
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
I remember feeling exactly the same way, and I still do! Very glad to have you as a siblinggronku11 wrote:As for The Samsara as a whole, I believe I may have finally found my family...

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[MPRF]- [MJF] - [MDF] - [MLMW] - [AoD]
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Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Name: Garthhenios
"Come and get your soup, boy!" The trader's voice rung out over the dunes, startling some Izams that took to flight as they heard the yell. For his part, young Garth was annoyed - he'd been creeping up one of those birds, hoping to bring home some meat, not that he ever got the chance. They never let him do ANYTHING, he though bitterly. He couldn't even follow his father into town when he traded. He had to watch his sister... which was a complete waste of time, he thought.
"Fine, fine, I'm coming!" Scowling miserably, Garth got to his feet and trodded back to the camp. However, by the time he arrived, the smell of the cookpot had erased all his anger. His mother, whom he was proud of, was the best cook in ANY trader caravan!
"Ahh... mmm. Smells good!"
His father stepped around from the side of the cookpot and gave him the look, complete with the lifted eyebrow. "Where were you?"
"Um... um... ummmmm..." Garth stuttered, trying to think of a response that wouldn't get him in trouble. He ALWAYS got in trouble. Nobody else ever did - just because he was the middle child.
"Never you mind, Arol. He needs his soup, he does." His mother came to his rescue - he once again thought fondly of her, like he did so often. She was the best mother in the world.
"Hmph. Then get your soup, lad."
Garthhenios did. And quickly, too - his mother's soup was NOT something to be missed. Then, he rolled over, and full, promptly fell asleep.
He woke to the sounds of... well, he didn't recognize the sounds. But they didn't sound nice, so he gritted his teeth and tried to fall asleep again.
Then he woke again, and rolled over. And screamed. A big hulking brute of a man stepped into his vision, and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, and laughed. "We gots a live one here, boss!"
"Then bring him with you, you oaf... we could always use another slave."
The boy's eyes widened - he wasn't going to be a slave. He kicked, and bit, and punched, and fought at the grip of his captor. He must have hit a sore spot, because the man doubled over, groaning. And he dropped Garth, who took it upon himself to run - he didn't care where, he just had to run.
Fifteen years later, Garthhenios has stopped running. Now, he wants vengenance - and as much as it pains him to admit it, he needs help. And he'll take whatever help he can get.
"Come and get your soup, boy!" The trader's voice rung out over the dunes, startling some Izams that took to flight as they heard the yell. For his part, young Garth was annoyed - he'd been creeping up one of those birds, hoping to bring home some meat, not that he ever got the chance. They never let him do ANYTHING, he though bitterly. He couldn't even follow his father into town when he traded. He had to watch his sister... which was a complete waste of time, he thought.
"Fine, fine, I'm coming!" Scowling miserably, Garth got to his feet and trodded back to the camp. However, by the time he arrived, the smell of the cookpot had erased all his anger. His mother, whom he was proud of, was the best cook in ANY trader caravan!
"Ahh... mmm. Smells good!"
His father stepped around from the side of the cookpot and gave him the look, complete with the lifted eyebrow. "Where were you?"
"Um... um... ummmmm..." Garth stuttered, trying to think of a response that wouldn't get him in trouble. He ALWAYS got in trouble. Nobody else ever did - just because he was the middle child.
"Never you mind, Arol. He needs his soup, he does." His mother came to his rescue - he once again thought fondly of her, like he did so often. She was the best mother in the world.
"Hmph. Then get your soup, lad."
Garthhenios did. And quickly, too - his mother's soup was NOT something to be missed. Then, he rolled over, and full, promptly fell asleep.
He woke to the sounds of... well, he didn't recognize the sounds. But they didn't sound nice, so he gritted his teeth and tried to fall asleep again.
Then he woke again, and rolled over. And screamed. A big hulking brute of a man stepped into his vision, and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, and laughed. "We gots a live one here, boss!"
"Then bring him with you, you oaf... we could always use another slave."
The boy's eyes widened - he wasn't going to be a slave. He kicked, and bit, and punched, and fought at the grip of his captor. He must have hit a sore spot, because the man doubled over, groaning. And he dropped Garth, who took it upon himself to run - he didn't care where, he just had to run.
Fifteen years later, Garthhenios has stopped running. Now, he wants vengenance - and as much as it pains him to admit it, he needs help. And he'll take whatever help he can get.
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Touche! very nice story! whoever it was i'm sure they are long gone.......... (hmm.. *takes note to tell Zahan that we've been ratted out and runs for dear life*)gerathh wrote:
Fifteen years later, Garthhenios has stopped running. Now, he wants vengenance - and as much as it pains him to admit it, he needs help. And he'll take whatever help he can get.
Last edited by kuroari on Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
/tar Nightbladekuroari wrote:Touche! very nice story! whoever it was i'm sure they are long gone.......... (hmm.. *takes note to tell Zahan that we've been ratted out and runs for dear life*)
We dont take slaves! It's bad for business. Our employees are eductated, trained and well paid. (The management is not responsible for anyone disagreeing with this statement, including ourselfs.)
Shocking as it is to hear, I dont think it's our fault...
Omega V
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
My name is Damanhur.
Daman was the birthplace of my mother, which was one of the strongholds of the ancient Atys in the beginning of the Kami-Karavan wars. I have never known my parents, an old bodyguard named Mallawi raised me and my twinsister up. Her name is Qena.
We lived peacefully on the Isle of Kaemon far away from all the political struggles. My stepfather taught me the basics of martial arts, we kept the Will of the Gods in respect, and accepted our Fate. My first memory is about two dingos attacking us in the desert, while we were scavenging with my sister. Then was the first time I experienced Qena's unique magical abilities, with which she annihilated the wild animals in 10 seconds. In spite of being only 15 years old, her powers kept increasing with each passing day, but she never spoke about what she was going through.
One day unkown spaceships came to our island, butchered everyone and took Qena. It was the Knights of the Karavan Clan. I hid in the toolshed from them. I will never forget the day of the slaughter.
Mallawi got mortally wounded, but before he died he entrusted me with a secret.
He spoke about a legendary order on the other side of the world, named The Samsara. He gave me a dagger with the instructions to give it to the leader of the order, so they will help me in my path.
With the help of Kami I arrived in Pyr. I started working at a workshop as servant to a blacksmith. 16 Years passed since then, without any news about my sister.
There are rumors about the headquarters of The Samsara being here, but their workings are kept secret. They are said to have formidable martial artists with the capability to teleport and resurrect. Their scouts are known travellers in far away lands.
It is in my intention to join them and find Qena with their help. An old merchant told me about a priestess, who lives in Matisland, famous for her illusionist and shamanic skills.
Maybe she can help...
Daman was the birthplace of my mother, which was one of the strongholds of the ancient Atys in the beginning of the Kami-Karavan wars. I have never known my parents, an old bodyguard named Mallawi raised me and my twinsister up. Her name is Qena.
We lived peacefully on the Isle of Kaemon far away from all the political struggles. My stepfather taught me the basics of martial arts, we kept the Will of the Gods in respect, and accepted our Fate. My first memory is about two dingos attacking us in the desert, while we were scavenging with my sister. Then was the first time I experienced Qena's unique magical abilities, with which she annihilated the wild animals in 10 seconds. In spite of being only 15 years old, her powers kept increasing with each passing day, but she never spoke about what she was going through.
One day unkown spaceships came to our island, butchered everyone and took Qena. It was the Knights of the Karavan Clan. I hid in the toolshed from them. I will never forget the day of the slaughter.
Mallawi got mortally wounded, but before he died he entrusted me with a secret.
He spoke about a legendary order on the other side of the world, named The Samsara. He gave me a dagger with the instructions to give it to the leader of the order, so they will help me in my path.
With the help of Kami I arrived in Pyr. I started working at a workshop as servant to a blacksmith. 16 Years passed since then, without any news about my sister.
There are rumors about the headquarters of The Samsara being here, but their workings are kept secret. They are said to have formidable martial artists with the capability to teleport and resurrect. Their scouts are known travellers in far away lands.
It is in my intention to join them and find Qena with their help. An old merchant told me about a priestess, who lives in Matisland, famous for her illusionist and shamanic skills.
Maybe she can help...
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
Not long after the elder of Atys had gone to the new world Karm was born. He lost his father while still very young, but his uncle Lonewanderer took it upon himself to raise him together with Lien Chang.
They thought him to respect the ways of the elders. Karm felt a burning desire to help other homins, and Lonewanderer who was a healer, became his hero. Karms desire to help others made him skilled in defensive arts.
But he was shocked when the Kitins invaded the jungle. The devastation they brought to his people made him even more determined to seek to preserve life of all homins. And he rejoiced greatly when the cave leading to Fyros was tunneled.
By this time he had joined a guild where his uncle was High Officer. Later on that title was given to Lienchang, and even later to Karm. But to be a HO wasn't easy, he discovered. No matter how hard he struggled to keep it together, it started to slip between his fingers. And one day he was alone, facing the desolate situation of a banished guild member.
This almost broke karm's will and heart. He felt the closest friends had abandoned him. And as time passed he didn't feel courageous enough to ask his friends if they wanted his help. Therefore he remained seclusive, until any would call for him. And he was proud to stand guard to a few harvesters when they called on him. Once he stood for three whole days in the woods, untill he almost dropped from fatigue.
Being very much drawn to the mysterious and ancient wisdom, he takes whatever opportunity to ask the knowledgeable for information. Because he believes the old wisdom might be lost forever if none will take the hardships to earn them.
But information given him which he can find no way to validate, triggers his sceptical and analytical mind. He listens to rumours, but is wary of passing them on to others.
They thought him to respect the ways of the elders. Karm felt a burning desire to help other homins, and Lonewanderer who was a healer, became his hero. Karms desire to help others made him skilled in defensive arts.
But he was shocked when the Kitins invaded the jungle. The devastation they brought to his people made him even more determined to seek to preserve life of all homins. And he rejoiced greatly when the cave leading to Fyros was tunneled.
By this time he had joined a guild where his uncle was High Officer. Later on that title was given to Lienchang, and even later to Karm. But to be a HO wasn't easy, he discovered. No matter how hard he struggled to keep it together, it started to slip between his fingers. And one day he was alone, facing the desolate situation of a banished guild member.
This almost broke karm's will and heart. He felt the closest friends had abandoned him. And as time passed he didn't feel courageous enough to ask his friends if they wanted his help. Therefore he remained seclusive, until any would call for him. And he was proud to stand guard to a few harvesters when they called on him. Once he stood for three whole days in the woods, untill he almost dropped from fatigue.
Being very much drawn to the mysterious and ancient wisdom, he takes whatever opportunity to ask the knowledgeable for information. Because he believes the old wisdom might be lost forever if none will take the hardships to earn them.
But information given him which he can find no way to validate, triggers his sceptical and analytical mind. He listens to rumours, but is wary of passing them on to others.
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
*solemn* Glad to have you on board Karm. Hope that you can call this guild your home. Remember, never be afraid to call on us -IF once .. you pass bootcamp - we're your guild and your our guidie.
Call on me, I'll be happy to assist!
and if your ever feeling 'lone - just find the Zahan/Nightblade Duo and we'll have a blast!
Call on me, I'll be happy to assist!
and if your ever feeling 'lone - just find the Zahan/Nightblade Duo and we'll have a blast!
Re: You ugly sand-maggots!
kuroari wrote: if your ever feeling 'lone - just find the Zahan/Nightblade Duo and we'll have a blast!
Just be sure you're ready to run screaming from the Truculent Trykerette Trio!

Seriously, welcome aboard! If I can do anything to assist, holler! Us "recruits" gotta stick together...
Samar d'Naz - Homin, pure and simple.
Desert Nomad
Crafter, Digger, Healer, Bug Smasher, Grey Beard, Surrogate "Uncle" to the Dodgey Duo
TANSTAAFL (unless you're a newb trying to kill Master Kincher, then its YOU!)
Desert Nomad
Crafter, Digger, Healer, Bug Smasher, Grey Beard, Surrogate "Uncle" to the Dodgey Duo
TANSTAAFL (unless you're a newb trying to kill Master Kincher, then its YOU!)