Undocumented changes?

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Undocumented changes?

Post by thanakar »

Recently after one of the reboots we have been having recently I noted a change in the way Fame is meted out after completing missions. Before the reboot whenever I finished a mission for Greenseed I'd receive positive fame for matis, greenseed, tryker and karavan, and I would receive negattive Fame for Kami. Now whenever I finish a mission for Greenseed, I get positive fame for Tryker and Greenseed but nothing else. No fame for matis or karavan and no negative fame for Kami. Since I read nothing about this I have no clue whether it is a new bug in the system or an intended change and makes me wonder what else is being changed without the knowledge of the paying customer. By the way, I do like the change but wish it had occured before getting -100 with Kami :P
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Re: Undocumented changes?

Post by danmit »

It's possible that the original fame effect was a bug, which they fixed. Any reason to assume Greenseed should be linked to karavan/kami?

I've noticed a few questionable links in Fyros with fame also. Levier missions drop trykos fame, for example -- no idea why, but they do. Now, it's possible that there are some unknown (to the players anyway) links between a Fyros tribal group and the Trykers, but it's not apparent on the face of it that those two groups should be linked.
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Re: Undocumented changes?

Post by vinceb7 »

Another possibility would be that you reached the max fame for a group that you could get by doing the level of quests that you were finishing. You said that you had Kami at -100, that might be the worst fame that you can have with them so you are not getting more negative fame.
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Re: Undocumented changes?

Post by svayvti »

+100 or -100 is the maximum personal fame adjustment.

Anything more will require changing guild fame.
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Re: Undocumented changes?

Post by bkwrm13 »

If you actually check your fame stats, you are still gaining/losing with the other factions. It's just not listed in the system info. Probably won't show since you've hit the cap, but I've noticed still losing fame with the Kami's with a new character.
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Re: Undocumented changes?

Post by thanakar »

Still plenty of room to move in the personal fame area. You just plain don't get what you use too. Someways bad, some good.
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