Hi everyone, I've played for a few hours and spent a fair bit of time searching the forums while the download was in progress, but I still have a few questions.
Is there any way to hotkey swapping what's held in the hands or is it necessary to open the inventory and drag and drop whenever you want to do some crafting or resource gathering?
Is it correct that a melee player with heavy armour will need to manually remove every piece of armour in order to craft or gather resources without penalty? So far it seems to me that anyone that wants to craft or gather will have to play a mage unless they can be bothered with tedious inventory micromanagement.
Is it correct that soloing is more or less impossible, and that there's no escape once a target is engaged, so it's a case of either win or die?
The end game seems to be just another RvR PvP cop out with pointless arbitrary sides. Is there something I'm missing?
Nub questions
Re: Nub questions
Wow Dude, awful lot of negativity, you have a free week, try giving it a chance, get in game, and ask around. This game has a lot of great things going for it, awsome community, urestricted character devlopement, some of the best graphics out there, good devloping backstory, just to name a few.
Re: Nub questions
Hi Aramas,
For swapping tools/weapons, you can click on the hand in your action bar. That will open a mini-inventory of items you can equip.
As for the armor, you can dig without penalty in light armor. Unfortunately, each piece of armor and jewelry must be equipped individually. I wish we had an option to equip a set all at once, but it's really only a minor inconvenience.
Soloing is not at all impossible. There are several players who have soloed very successfully. It just might take a bit of exploring and trial and error to figure out how to do it best.
Once you engage your target in battle, it will keep attacking you. However, you can run to escape it, depending on your speed and hp. If you are fighting near a town or npc camp, you can run towards their guards, and they'll kill it for you.
As for the endgame, I personally haven't thought much about it, but I'm sure others will be happy to share their opinions. I enjoy the game for the what it is right now and the wonderful community of people that play it!
For swapping tools/weapons, you can click on the hand in your action bar. That will open a mini-inventory of items you can equip.
As for the armor, you can dig without penalty in light armor. Unfortunately, each piece of armor and jewelry must be equipped individually. I wish we had an option to equip a set all at once, but it's really only a minor inconvenience.
Soloing is not at all impossible. There are several players who have soloed very successfully. It just might take a bit of exploring and trial and error to figure out how to do it best.
Once you engage your target in battle, it will keep attacking you. However, you can run to escape it, depending on your speed and hp. If you are fighting near a town or npc camp, you can run towards their guards, and they'll kill it for you.

As for the endgame, I personally haven't thought much about it, but I'm sure others will be happy to share their opinions. I enjoy the game for the what it is right now and the wonderful community of people that play it!

Re: Nub questions
Hello and welcome to Atys!
Please note this game is not a cookie cutter MMORPG. Though it shares components from other MMOs you've played, it's quite unique in its implementations of crafting and fighting and magic.
On to your questions!
If you are a fighter interested in harvesting, crafting, and/or magic use, you will need to have two sets of armor. One for fighting (heavy armor) and one for everything else (may I recommend a medium armor chest piece and everything else light armor). Inventory management is very much part of this game. You will quickly be able to buy your first packer (a pack animal on whom you will begin "banking" or "vaulting" items) and soon you will own an apartment or participate in a guild hall with further storage options. The crafting system is so diverse as to necessitate inventory management.
This is false. You can easily solo fighting skills, harvesting skills, and crafting. Offensive magic is a little harder to solo (though I've solo'd all of mine so far), and defensive magic is impossible to solo (it requires a group in order to gain xp).
Once you engage a target, you CAN run away. Especially early in the game you are often near guards. You can run to them for help. When not near guards, you can run away and the MOB will eventually give-up its chase.
There is no end game. This world is not a static world with dynamic player characters. It's a dynamic world which evolves. The MOBs change, the storyline evolves, the game dynamics change as a result, and everything gets affected. In the current state of the game, there are not two sides fighting each other (RvR-esque). The conflict is now pitting guild against guild and friend against friend. The conflict has become far more politically charged and involves more diplomacy and less Kami vs. Karavan. This conflict and its dynamics will change again in the coming months, and the folks participating in it will be doing all-new kinds of things.
Enjoy the game, and please do not hesitate to ask all the questions you'd like here and in-game. Our community shines brightest when welcoming and nurturing its newbies.
Best regards,
Please note this game is not a cookie cutter MMORPG. Though it shares components from other MMOs you've played, it's quite unique in its implementations of crafting and fighting and magic.
On to your questions!
aramas wrote: Is it correct that a melee player with heavy armour will need to manually remove every piece of armour in order to craft or gather resources without penalty? So far it seems to me that anyone that wants to craft or gather will have to play a mage unless they can be bothered with tedious inventory micromanagement.
If you are a fighter interested in harvesting, crafting, and/or magic use, you will need to have two sets of armor. One for fighting (heavy armor) and one for everything else (may I recommend a medium armor chest piece and everything else light armor). Inventory management is very much part of this game. You will quickly be able to buy your first packer (a pack animal on whom you will begin "banking" or "vaulting" items) and soon you will own an apartment or participate in a guild hall with further storage options. The crafting system is so diverse as to necessitate inventory management.
aramas wrote: Is it correct that soloing is more or less impossible, and that there's no escape once a target is engaged, so it's a case of either win or die?
This is false. You can easily solo fighting skills, harvesting skills, and crafting. Offensive magic is a little harder to solo (though I've solo'd all of mine so far), and defensive magic is impossible to solo (it requires a group in order to gain xp).
Once you engage a target, you CAN run away. Especially early in the game you are often near guards. You can run to them for help. When not near guards, you can run away and the MOB will eventually give-up its chase.
aramas wrote:The end game seems to be just another RvR PvP cop out with pointless arbitrary sides. Is there something I'm missing?
There is no end game. This world is not a static world with dynamic player characters. It's a dynamic world which evolves. The MOBs change, the storyline evolves, the game dynamics change as a result, and everything gets affected. In the current state of the game, there are not two sides fighting each other (RvR-esque). The conflict is now pitting guild against guild and friend against friend. The conflict has become far more politically charged and involves more diplomacy and less Kami vs. Karavan. This conflict and its dynamics will change again in the coming months, and the folks participating in it will be doing all-new kinds of things.
Enjoy the game, and please do not hesitate to ask all the questions you'd like here and in-game. Our community shines brightest when welcoming and nurturing its newbies.
Best regards,
*-*-* Eppy of Arispotle *-*-*
Healer * Care Planner * Newbie * Poster
"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not
one is so highly prized as that of character." -- Henry Clay
Healer * Care Planner * Newbie * Poster
"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not
one is so highly prized as that of character." -- Henry Clay
Re: Nub questions
Wouldn't you be able to level Defensive at least until 50 by using afflictions? I know Offensive would level faster (or Fight, or however you take it down), but it's something...
Re: Nub questions
whoa take a chill pill mate, maybe 2 or 3..
most things answered already, the tedious micro management of removing 5 peices of armor is moot point anyways you'd be silly to go digging with your bag half full of heavy armor
the pointless arbitrary sides are actually part of a deep and engrossing storyline thats been running this last year and half, maybe take a look at the lore or visit your local temple when you reach the mainland.
most things answered already, the tedious micro management of removing 5 peices of armor is moot point anyways you'd be silly to go digging with your bag half full of heavy armor

the pointless arbitrary sides are actually part of a deep and engrossing storyline thats been running this last year and half, maybe take a look at the lore or visit your local temple when you reach the mainland.
rushin ~ asleep
Re: Nub questions
yaten wrote:Wouldn't you be able to level Defensive at least until 50 by using afflictions? I know Offensive would level faster (or Fight, or however you take it down), but it's something...
You're right. I equate DM to healing, so my answer was biased.

Best regards,
*-*-* Eppy of Arispotle *-*-*
Healer * Care Planner * Newbie * Poster
"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not
one is so highly prized as that of character." -- Henry Clay
Healer * Care Planner * Newbie * Poster
"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not
one is so highly prized as that of character." -- Henry Clay
Re: Nub questions
Malus from things like Heavy armor usually only affect how much hp/stap/stamina/focus is used by an action. It is also said that it lowers the chance of a successful craft. Removing all of your armor takes maybe 3 seconds with the current system. It is easy enough that I can switch between mage and tank without too much problem.
Mobs chase you for about 250m on average. This may be difficult when you are young, but older players are able to escape many creatures at once.
This is a persistent online world....it develops, the story progresses things change. Sure we get better at what we usually do, whether it be dig, craft, fight, philosophize, but we still participate in the story day to day. I look at "PvP" as freedom to show your true feelings towards someone else.
What are you looking for in a game?
Mobs chase you for about 250m on average. This may be difficult when you are young, but older players are able to escape many creatures at once.
This is a persistent online world....it develops, the story progresses things change. Sure we get better at what we usually do, whether it be dig, craft, fight, philosophize, but we still participate in the story day to day. I look at "PvP" as freedom to show your true feelings towards someone else.
What are you looking for in a game?
Re: Nub questions
Well, once I used melee, magic, and foraged all within 60 seconds...

Agreed. There isn't (or shouldn't be) an "end" to an MMORPG. I've never understood the concept of an endgame.There is no end game.
The sides are quite complex, with many viewpoints on which is right. Beyond Kami and Karavan, there's Trytonist, neutral/either (will follow any side depending on various factors), neutral/hominist, and neutral/neither (firmly against both Kami and Karavan and maybe Tryton too)...and any other combination of neutral you can imagine. XD My main character, for example, is neutral/neither/hominist. The recently-introduced outposts and their attached PvP has increased guild politics, and though many involve factions in the outpost battles, factions aren't necessarily directly related.RvR PvP cop out with pointless arbitrary sides.
Good question. If you're sick of the average run-of-the-mill MMOs, you'll probably enjoy Ryzom.What are you looking for in a game?
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
Re: Nub questions
End game is not the 'end' on an MMORPG. I don't know where that comes from...but anyway. End game is what you do when you are done with leveling. What do you do next? End game content. In this games case it is a bit hard to say because you can level in about a trillion things.
However, if you are to level to 250 in a couple fight trees, healing and Jungle FOrage and then say, "i'm done training skills", you'd look for other things to do. In this game that could be boss hunting, PvP, maybe some newbie trekking, participating in raids (hint, hint) and maybe some other stuff. I might be missing a couple things, but I think that is more the answer he is looking for to the question of what the end game content is.
However, if you are to level to 250 in a couple fight trees, healing and Jungle FOrage and then say, "i'm done training skills", you'd look for other things to do. In this game that could be boss hunting, PvP, maybe some newbie trekking, participating in raids (hint, hint) and maybe some other stuff. I might be missing a couple things, but I think that is more the answer he is looking for to the question of what the end game content is.
I am Bosamba.