hmm, i see where u are coming from - especially the rp/political reasons for holding an op. but currently we have something much worse than segregation; only the big boys are getting a look in. like it or loathe it there is a sense of progression in ryzom - you get levels and experience, become more powerful and move onto bigger things - its a game mechanic that in our case is necessary to support everyone. if the regions were not segregated into 50/100/.../250 things would be, well, frustrating for all but the experienced. handing stuff out to newbies is not in my mind the best way to do things - better to let them work for and achieve it themselves.kostika wrote:I don't think its ideal cause everyone has a right to own whatever lvl of op they want. Maybe a "high powered" guild only wants a small op for whatever reason (RP device, hand out stuff to newbies, etc). Maybe a "weak" guild wants to take a high lvl op. Otherwise it turns into a high vs low. Big boys play their games and little boys play their game (until they're big enough to play with the big boys). It would cause segregation, and that's always a bad thing.
2 dappers, etc