The Sirens of Atyshave the following positions open for employment.
Houseboy- Duties will include cleaning guild hall, attending to weapons and armor, cooking, feeding packers and any other assignments requested by the sisters.
Requirements: Must have Craft Apprentice title, be a healthy sturdy energetic male and able to handle multiple tasks. (Position has been filled)
Messenger/Personal Assistant- Responsibilities include: Supervising and training new staff, Assist in coordinating events and training.
Requirements: Must have Melee Warrior title, Defensive Magician title, and excellent interpersonal skills. (Position has been filled).
Female Warrior: Must be a female warrior who is not afraid of face-to-face combat, of strong character, and mature woman able to handle training of all skill progressions.
Requirments: Must convert to Kami and obtain 15 points of Kami Fame. Civilazation must be Neutral. Training will be provided to those that seek employment. (open)
Our members have the freedom and are encourage to explored and find their place in the world of Atys. The Sirens is a Role Playing guild. We are warrior sisters protectors of the secret behind Seirens Chant. (Our own personal RP story, which is updated on the first of every month) We currently stand neutral but we seek the guidance and knowledge of the Kami. The sirens are exclusive and only girls are allowed to join the sisterhood. (No boy characters allowed) We are based in the great city of Pyr.
If you would like to be part of our sisterhood contact Trixie or guild High Officer Maresa. We look forward to welcoming you to our family and sharing with you the secret of Seiren.Sincerely,
The Sirens of Atys
Want to talk about guilds, find a guild, brag about your guild's accomplishments? This is the place.
The Sirens of Atys
Last edited by 901941 on Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~* Trixie Seiren *~
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
~* *~
Trixie's Comic Book Series
The Sirens of Atys|The New Beginning|CSR Interviews
Trixie's Comic Book Series
The Sirens of Atys|The New Beginning|CSR Interviews
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