hugedan wrote:i like pie.. time will resolve this problem
Oh, Oh, Oh, Apple? Cherry? Or still eating through those mince Pies from Xmas???
After watching this thread grow and gorw, maybe its time for me to say somthing before it gets locked.
Personaly. i think if a Guild decalares war for ANY reason it should be forfilled, i also see why people may call it weak RP, I think that it's unlikely that you can roleplay DECLARING WAR conastantly. I imagine it to be fireworks and parades withing a guild when they decarle war. I would have assumed to roleplay declaring war would be a big deal for a guild. Along with having war declared upon you. Because that is what you are doing, I cant see a roleplayer saying "Guild X has decalred war on us, but they dont mean war" - that seems fake. ( I do RP a fir bit and i'm trying to look at this subjectively but to RP that war doesnt matter (espc comming from hominst's etc) doesnt make sense)
I do understand why people have used this tataic. I dont think theres a homin who wants to see a single guiild with 10 OP's (apart from the members in the guild) but i do think if a guild (and allies) were strong enough to take an outopst they will be strong enough to defend an outpost. - Understadanly they dont want to forced to defend thewir OP 24/7 but for them to isolate themselves completely and refuse to take part in what is essentialy a major part of this content, well it does seem a bit selfish.
I am in no way pointing fingers. Kos knows that i think she is a great homin, and i applaude her for comming up with the idea. - I'm assuming she was the first. She's just made her life on atys alot easier.
At the end of the day it is up to the DEV's (and whoever sticks their ore in) to decide what to do on this matter. I think we should thank Final for raising this point (regardless of motive)
There are plenty of OP's to be had ( and i'm to assume more to become availble?) and plenty of guilds willing to prove their defensive capibilties (or just annoy the hell out of someone then they'll wanna shot at you

anyways thats my two dappers on this, Thanks for reading.
Much love and Peace to you all