richky wrote:Actually, it's not as simple as that . The mutual war thing is actually placing a great deal of trust in another guild. There is always the possibility that one or other of the guilds could decide to attack an undefended outpost. There is also the fact that the pact itself creates resentment amongst other guilds, and increases the likelihood of a strongly coordinated attack should the mutual agreement fail to be renewed for any reason. All far more interesting possibilities than perpetual attacks just because people are bored and want to attack someone.
You make a good case, however, most guilds will not opt for that possibility. Too risky especially when it involves a lvl 250 outpost. Also, a guild holding a 250 outpost can easily have one guild with that mutual agreement and share it's benefits with other guilds. Since this has become quite FvF, the only guilds that would most likely become resentful would be opposing factions that want to take an outpost which is ALREADY the case.
Example: A Kami guild creates a mutual agreement with another Kami guild to "Declare war" and not actually attack. That same Kami guild holding the OP may just share with a certain number of Kami-aligned guilds. In that scenario (one of the most likely ones)...why would any Kami guild want to ruin such a nice arrangement? If a Kami guild does decide to take over, they would need a large support from the other guilds. This may never be the case unless the guild holding the OP is seriously making the wrong decisions.
In short, it's really a stagnant way to keep the OP without much conflict or "rp" unless the guild that owns the OP wants it that way and causes some ruckus (again why would any guild risk doing that to lose their OP?) or a great deal of kami guilds decide they don't like that they're not getting enough and find a way for the mutual agreement to be broken (seems unlikely again since the guild clicking "Declare war" to keep their allies safe would be getting major benefits...unless they want to risk it all for a good RP time) or get lucky and get a chance to hit that "Declare war" button. lol
richky wrote:As a note, no, I don't know that one of the outposts in a multiple declaration situation will be attacked, nor that the others won't be. That might have been the case in some instances, but there is no way of knowing on any particular occasion whether that will be the case.
Actually, it is a very high likely hood if it's the same guild attacking a bunch of others. That or they're seriously bored