sprite wrote:To be fair, neutrals will still lose about 18 (excluding PR, and not sure how many tryker ones offhand)
But, place your bets now where the 2 newly added neutral TPs will be
There are 39 regions in the known world. Both Kami and Karavan will have one altar in every region. Looking at the list of TPs that will be available to neutrals, with the two new ones there'll be exactly 39. So looks like they have balanced it so everyone has access to the same number of altars. (For reference, there are currently 50 active TPs, not counting the 9 in the villages.)
If spires do end up preventing the opposite side from teleporting there, those who pick a side will only have about 20 available TPs left.
Hmmm, 8 new altars of which 4 kami and 4 karavan, 2 accesible to neutrals? There aren't that many altars missing currently, in fact I can only think of eight:
- Upper Bog Kami Altar
- Dew Drops Kami Altar (*)
- Fount Kami Altar
- Gate of Obscurity Kami Altar
- Maiden Grove Karavan Altar (*)
- Haven of Purity Karavan Altar
- Oflovaks Oasis Karavan Altar
- Sunken City Karavan Altar
Of these, my bet would be that the 2 accesible to neutrals will be Dew Drops Kami altar and Maiden Grove Karavan altar, because those are the only two non-purple non-PR regions in which neutrals will not have access to the existing altar.