marct wrote:
I think it will really add a bunch of new details to the game,
marct wrote:
and end up that everything is better in the end.
Not convinced.
marct wrote:
Lathaniel, I would hope that you do not think Neutral is the easy way to have everything. That is never the case anywhere. I imagine if you hang out for a bit you will even get to hear people who are non-neutral complaining because there are all these rights that the Neutrals can do that a faction aligned person cannot.
I doubt this, unless there are some radical changes to the latest trickle of info.
My complaint is not that I expect neutrals to be easy, but I do expect there to be some point in playing them. I presume you mean rites, rather than rights. Here I think they need to overhaul things. The racial rites in particular should be made more in tune with the background to each race. They should also require various levels of fame. As very few rites exist in the game then there should not be an issue. If the scaling is done properly then everyone should get something out of it. I suspect the bigger issue would be if any of the rites requiring a level of fame only available to citizens of that race were to turn out to be a must have.
marct wrote:
It is all a choice. You can say it is better to be non-neutral at the moment, and I can say that that is not quite true as any area that is Kami held currently I will not be able to get to and you will be able to get to.
Neutrals will have very few tps available to them that either side does not. They have none in PR (except Nexus), none in zones of 200+, and only a very few in lands below 200. So no I dont think you are correct in saying any area that is Kami held neutrals will be able to get to when you cannot. In addition the distances that neutrals will have to travel will be higher. Non-neutrals will at least have easy access to higher levels, perhaps not the one they would ideally prefer, but access never the less. Within Liberty Lake the only working tp for neutrals is Fairhaven. Not even Dew Drops, which can hardly be described as high level, is available.
For non-neutrals the loss in tps is repayed with content, and potential rewards, in the form of the spires, and so forth. You also have to potential to gain access to areas by removing enemy spires. There is no method by which neutrals can expand what tps they have access to.
There is no indications whatsoever that neutrals will have any benefits from this at all. The proposals put forward during the temple building phase that neutrals join the weaker side were not popular with the majority of neutral players. I don't see that changing with the war. Further there is nothing in the notes provided to indicate that neutrals could do so even if they wanted to.
Neutrals that do PvP should be able to do things against both sides. As things stand if I do anything it either has no impact, or aids one side or the other. I want to be able to rid Atys of both the Karavan and the Kami. I would like to be able to destroy their tps. I want to be able to act as a freedom fighter for Homins not a punchbag.
To me making neutrals "playable" means more than just having a flag on a character so that it is not Karavan or Kami, it means being able to DO things.
In the absence of actually getting something to do, is it really so unreasonable to expect more tps than are being offered, or a more relaxed attitude to neutral guilds. I still haven't heard any explaination of why aligned guilds can take neutral characters but neutral guilds cannot take aligned characters.
It would be nice if the Rangers storyline would get going, hopefully it will before the fame changes come in as Neutrals will have no access to the woods once it does. Unless of course Tryton or the Rangers open up their own tps.